如果碰见火车达人~~ 问问咱买票能便宜不作者: pAtrick 时间: 2011-6-8 15:21:26
我火车坐了一年多了啊作者: ki_ki 时间: 2011-6-8 15:27:31
火车达人是谁?求扫盲!作者: 陌生的香港人 时间: 2011-6-8 16:15:47
本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2011-6-8 15:24 编辑
恩换公司了,现在在Auckland Transport工作。
阿海 发表于 2011-6-8 10:07
Wow, you just started your new job in AT which should be quite intensive in terms of learning and picking up knowledge about how this giant so called "Council Controlled Organisation" works but still have time/chance to always come to Skykiwi? - can you even read/type Chinese characters on AT's computer???
Good on you mate but be careful that the IT team is monitoring as it is not in line with council's policy (assuming the same policy applies in AT too) to visit external website(s) - assuming you are in office at the moment, hehe 作者: 阿海 时间: 2011-6-8 20:00:37