Reduce the humidity and decrease the number of cool surfaces in your home. Your first step is to find what the humidity level in your home is. This will need to be monitored regularly as the temperature outside varies. Devices that measure humidity are called hygrometers. They can be purchased at most reliable hardware and home centre stores. As a guide, the following chart will help:
Outside Temperature °c Inside Relative Humidity
20°c to 40°c Not over 40%
10°c to 20°c Not over 35%
0°c to 10°c Not over 30%
−10°c to 0°c Not over 25%
−20°c to −10°c Not over 20%作者: hitye 时间: 2011-5-22 23:55:10
It’s working great, but I still get a mist occasionally on some windows
– why is this?
Even though your home is now dry, especially cold or damp weather conditions may still
lead to some misty windows – certainly far less than what you would have had without
the HRV. Having a party or cooking a big meal will also cause a bit of extra moisture, but
your HRV will set to clearing this out over the next day. No system can guarantee zero
condensation, but rest assured your HRV is getting you as close as is possible!作者: Mornington 时间: 2011-5-23 00:11:40