“Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)"
老师要求分别解释"correlation", "significant","0.01 level"和2-tailed"的意思。
看得我郁闷啊,统计完全不懂。。。作者: ceci-bi 时间: 2011-5-1 20:33:09
我估计LZ的题目应该是论证HYPOTHESIS TEST 的吧。
假设已知 y= a+bx+c. Ho: variables x &y are not correlted, that is coefficient b = 0. H1: x &y are correlted, that is b 不等于0,这里就是2 side tests. (如果要论证b>0 or b<0),就是one side test.
一下省略各种可能的TEST ( T test, chi square test etc)过程,得出结果为P VALUE <0.005. 可以结论为there is some evidence that H0 can be rejected at 99.5% significant level ( 翻译过来就是有99.5%以上的几率,X &Y是高度相关的,X的变化会影响Y的变化,所以H0 不成立)。