
标题: 听说以后6年以上的车从2012开始就不让进口了,是吗?二手车会越卖越贵?? [打印本页]

作者: kookaiking    时间: 2011-4-6 17:56:43     标题: 听说以后6年以上的车从2012开始就不让进口了,是吗?二手车会越卖越贵??



以下是俺找到一篇新闻的Google的翻译,原文在最后,求解! 谢

张贴在新闻October 31,2010 - 下午二点二十,大卫查斯顿

NewsIMVIADavid Vinsenemission ruleUsed carsused importsIt一定意味着我们将需要支付采用进口更多 - 更环保的车辆的费用。

New emission rules threaten the used car import industryPosted in News
October 31, 2010 - 02:20pm, David Chaston

The "final phase" of implimenting the exhaust emmission rules for most cars imported into New Zealand will come into force on January 1, 2012 and the importers are worried that will reduce used imports by half. They have launched a campaign to get a two year deferral of these rules.

Basically, car and truck importers will be limited to importing vehicles no less than ten year old, and those vehicles will need to meet the 2005 manufacturing country emission standards in force when they were built.
The importer's problem is that about 2005, emission standards and testing requirements got way tougher in Japan at that time. And cars being imported need to be tested in Japan and certified as compliant, before being imported into New Zealand.
It is a piece of policy enacted by the previous Labour government, and brought considerable scorn from the then-National opposition principally because it could have the perverse effect of raising emmissions.
But it is not clear that the National government is about to take its own recommendations. In 2009, Steven Joyce has previously confirmed that the new policy would stay in effect. He seems unlikely to change now, and the importers have spoken briefly to the Prime Minister about their concerns.

The argument is that these tough new standards will kill off the importing of used imports, forcing up the price of used cars in New Zealand, and encourage drivers to hold on to their old cars for longer.
Those opposing the implimentation of the final phase include the vehicle testing industry, like MTA-owned VTNZ, who say they will lose "30 to 40 employees ... we estimate about 20% to 30% of compliance sites would be forced to be closed ..."  All up, the industry employers claim up to 300 people may lose their jobs as a result, "specific skills lost ... that would be difficult to replace."
The Imported Motor Vehicle Industry Association (IMVIA) claims used imports will drop from  "between 95,000 and 110,000 used vehicles in 2011" down to "between 45,000 and 60,000 units" if the final rules are allowed to be implimented. They say that means about 40,000 cars per year will stay on the road per year getting older and older, increasing their emissions as they age.
Related Topics NewsIMVIADavid Vinsenemission ruleUsed carsused imports

It will certainly mean we will need to pay more for used imports - the cost of cleaner vehicles.
But the new-car importers are not sympathetic. While saying "it is not our fight", they are not supporting the used importers, accusing them of a short-term approach to the issue.
作者: 安安公主    时间: 2011-4-6 18:41:22

作者: lsm1168    时间: 2011-4-7 15:32:05

2手车 越来越贵的话 大家都买新车最好
作者: thingstodo    时间: 2011-4-7 20:31:29

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作者: 幕道    时间: 2011-4-7 20:57:55

我有几辆2手的车 那我起步大赚了????????????????
作者: sylfeng    时间: 2011-4-7 21:53:48

作者: GRMVT    时间: 2011-4-8 10:12:06

安安公主 发表于 2011-4-6 17:41
作者: kobemvp    时间: 2011-4-8 10:46:08

作者: edeng    时间: 2011-4-12 15:17:48

同问  2 位 3位怎么个意思
作者: glsteel    时间: 2011-4-12 20:44:45

作者: zex522    时间: 2011-4-13 00:38:20

作者: alex0566    时间: 2011-4-13 01:45:52

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作者: terry594    时间: 2011-4-13 02:01:19

作者: sky_elf    时间: 2011-4-13 11:57:45

2手车总体势头上降价是必然的, 只是偶尔会涨一点而已
作者: lonely-9    时间: 2011-4-13 12:33:49

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作者: GRMVT    时间: 2011-4-13 14:29:36

举个列子,ACCORD 2002年10月推出的, 排放代号是UA和LA,这样的排放标准2012年1月1日后将不能够再通过新西兰的进口车标准,而2004年10月后改进版本的采用ABA排放代码,则可以进口上路。
作者: beck@    时间: 2011-4-13 14:34:21

作者: 地狱天使之1983    时间: 2011-4-13 15:40:59

2手肯定会越来越便宜.05年以前的车不能进口,NZ NEW的车价格又不可能跌,所以车行肯定会减价促销.不会涨的.
作者: alex0566    时间: 2011-4-13 15:49:27

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