Name, Position, Organisation Name and Address (each on a separate line)
Dear (line manager name - eg., Mr Smith, or first name if appropriate)
Please accept this as formal notice of my resignation from the position of (your job title and site/department/division as applicable), with effect from (normally date of the letter or receipt of letter - check your contract - if in doubt refer to date of letter).
In accordance with my contract of employment I am happy to continue to work until (date that your employment ceases according to notice period, calculated from your stated effective date of resignation).
(This part is optional:) While I believe that I am moving for good reasons, I am sorry to leave, and I thank you for your support during my time with the company, which I have found enjoyable and fulfilling.
(And if applicable:) Please let me know the arrangements for handing back equipment, company car, etc, and handing over outstanding work and responsibilities.
Address 90 Greenwood St, Frankton, Hamilton, New Zealand
Monday - Friday 12pm-9.30pm Sat - Sun10am-7pm
School & Public Holidays Mon - Friday 10am-9.30pm Sat - Sun 10am-7pm
Prices: http://www.sportsclimber.co.nz/prices/
如果到屯里旅游的,可以住在维多利亚主街上的backpackers central ,位于主街846号,单人间45,双人间69和78的,架子床每人每晚30。离pack n save 很近。前台有个毛利经理会讲中文的,所以英语不好也没关系。作者: purpleapple 时间: 2012-5-21 16:31:11