用家意見 (4):
Michelle, 澳洲, 2010.07.26[回應/提問]
This whitening pills are superb. i have only finished 1bottle & the result was fantastic...
Are you using 6 tablets a day? did you skin became dry? i'm thinking of using the smae but I'm still thinking NAWAL BELHOOSH, 阿拉伯聯合酋長國, 2010.11.23
Hi, maybe i can also share my experience with you .. i take 6 caps / day (and 3 caps / time). It won't feel dry since it has vit B and E which can help to maintain skin in a good condition Cecilia, 美國, 2010.11.26
hi, sorry for the late reply. No it does not feel dry on the skin at all. It actually gives you this glow & moisture on your skin even without putting a lotion. Michelle, 澳洲, 2011.03.04