
标题: 还有个中国人在CTV大楼下,为什么救援队就要撤离阿!! [打印本页]

作者: poppet    时间: 2011-2-23 14:02:48     标题: 还有个中国人在CTV大楼下,为什么救援队就要撤离阿!!

本帖最后由 poppet 于 2011-2-23 14:24 编辑



作者: 武夫的眉笔    时间: 2011-2-23 14:07:26

作者: duncan_kai    时间: 2011-2-23 14:08:27

太欺负人了, 政府一定要给个说法
作者: NormalLife    时间: 2011-2-23 14:09:10

作者: 武夫的眉笔    时间: 2011-2-23 14:12:57

作者: 北岸卫星电视08    时间: 2011-2-23 14:14:51

不会的, 不管你是哪国人没有特殊原因, 大家是不会放弃援救。 这个版主怎么可以在这里煽风点火乱讲。
作者: peggy64    时间: 2011-2-23 14:15:01

作者: joanmiao    时间: 2011-2-23 14:15:13

作者: poppet    时间: 2011-2-23 14:15:27

本帖最后由 poppet 于 2011-2-23 14:16 编辑

刚又看新闻说, 救援队全力去挖PGC大楼了,这边不管了!!!!!

作者: Venox10111    时间: 2011-2-23 14:20:45

作者: poppet    时间: 2011-2-23 14:23:56

不会的, 不管你是哪国人没有特殊原因, 大家是不会放弃援救。 这个版主怎么可以在这里煽风点火乱讲。
北岸卫星电视08 发表于 2011-2-23 14:14

作者: joanmiao    时间: 2011-2-23 14:28:51

刚又看新闻说, 救援队全力去挖PGC大楼了,这边不管了!!!!!

poppet 发表于 2011-2-23 14:15

作者: NormalLife    时间: 2011-2-23 14:31:10

作者: 萨米    时间: 2011-2-23 14:36:23

作者: joanmiao    时间: 2011-2-23 14:39:15

本帖最后由 joanmiao 于 2011-2-23 14:41 编辑

earthquake emergency line: 111 or 0800 779 997 and red cross line to lodge missing ones or inqueries 0800 733 276
作者: poppet    时间: 2011-2-23 14:40:03

本帖最后由 poppet 于 2011-2-23 14:41 编辑
萨米 发表于 2011-2-23 14:36

作者: maluo    时间: 2011-2-23 14:44:01

作者: siogine    时间: 2011-2-23 14:58:58


A woman has been rescued from the ruins of the Pyne Gould Corporation building in central Christchurch, more than 24 hours after being trapped by the earthquake.
Wrapped in blankets, the woman was lifted down to an ambulance, to the applause of onlookers.
作者: 酷到底    时间: 2011-2-23 15:16:41

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作者: missmia    时间: 2011-2-23 15:18:45


A woman has been rescued from the ruins of the Pyne Gould Corporation building in central Christchurch, more than 24 hours after being trapped by the earthquake. ...
siogine 发表于 2011-2-23 14:58

这是Pyne Gould Building啊,希望同样的奇迹也可以发生在CTV building.
但是这个时候大家可以多一些信任和支持吗?CTV附近的情况也很危机,Hotel Grand Chancellor有倒塌的迹象。

Earlier, rescue efforts were stopped at the CTV building as searchers had seen no signs of life in eight hours, but it is believed it may also have been because of the danger from the nearby hotel.

Fifteen people had been reported by different media as being found alive in the Canterbury TV building in Christchurch, but a rescue effort spokesman speaking on Radio New Zealand this afternoon said there had been no signs of life in the CTV building for eight hours.
作者: ki_ki    时间: 2011-2-23 16:03:49

本帖最后由 ki_ki 于 2011-2-23 16:06 编辑


作者: 雪梨樱桃    时间: 2011-2-23 16:04:02

作者: poppet    时间: 2011-2-23 16:21:45

雪梨樱桃 发表于 2011-2-23 16:04

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2011-2-23 16:29:38     标题: 回复: 还有个中国人在CTV大楼下,为什么救援队就要撤离阿!!


A woman has been rescued from the ruins of the Pyne Gould Corporation building in central Christchurch, more than 24 hours after being trapped by the earthquake. ...
siogine 发表于 2011-2-23 14:58
这是Pyne Gould Building啊,希望同样的奇迹也可以发生在CTV building.
但是这个时候大家可以多一些信任和支持吗?CTV附近的情况也很危机,Hotel Grand Chancellor有倒塌的迹象。

Earlier, rescue efforts were stopped at the CTV building as searchers had seen no signs of life in eight hours, but it is believed it may also have been because of the danger from the nearby hotel.

Fifteen people had been reported by different media as being found alive in the Canterbury TV building in Christchurch, but a rescue effort spokesman speaking on Radio New Zealand this afternoon said there had been no signs of life in the CTV building for eight hours.[/QUOTE]

发送自我的 Vodafone 845 大板凳
作者: prayer914    时间: 2011-2-23 16:46:59

这里就是这样, 觉得有危险的, 就不会让人进去救人. 跟国内那些军人, 共产党员不能比啊......
作者: katzprint    时间: 2011-2-23 16:50:55

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作者: 雪梨樱桃    时间: 2011-2-23 16:54:24

作者: oya    时间: 2011-2-23 16:56:02

作者: prayer914    时间: 2011-2-23 17:02:32

27# 雪梨樱桃

洋人没有那种雷锋的精神啊. 逼人进去救, 是肯定不对的, 但如果有人自愿进去救呢?
作者: 酷到底    时间: 2011-2-23 17:04:14

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作者: LightHunter    时间: 2011-2-23 17:05:46

那个老婆还被埋自己上sky的人是不是实在没办法了?看得人心理真难受,能不能自己找一些朋友雇一些机器去做?虽然说没有生命迹象8个小时,但最起码没见到人就还有希望的,虽然说需要专业知识,救援队没时间那自己带人挖也好 ...
oya 发表于 2011-2-23 16:56

作者: missmia    时间: 2011-2-23 17:08:02

作者: bigbear    时间: 2011-2-23 17:33:39

本帖最后由 bigbear 于 2011-2-23 17:39 编辑

Stop using the Hotel Grand Chancellor going to collapse as an excuse for not saving people, these two buildings are 3 blocks apart.

Only six buildings fully collapsed in ChCh that trapped people, stop yelling there is no resource.

It is just another Pike River........."It is too dangerous to going down there (as we NZ police only know how to issue speeding ticket)"

作者: John.G    时间: 2011-2-23 17:46:36

武夫的眉笔 发表于 2011-2-23 14:12
作者: powergod1    时间: 2011-2-23 17:51:35

作者: powergod1    时间: 2011-2-23 17:52:01

from a language scholl
作者: missmia    时间: 2011-2-23 18:00:08

Very Sad News

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/new ... p;objectid=10708252
Christchurch earthquake: CTV building 'not survivable' - police

Police have abandoned all hope of finding survivors at the collapsed Canterbury TV building in central Christchurch.

Inspector Dave Lawry said he was "100 per cent" certain those trapped in the building, including a non-sworn police staff member and a group of overseas students, were dead.

All emergency personnel have been moved away from the building because of danger the unstable Grand Chancellor Hotel would collapse onto it, he said.

He felt particularly sorry for the family of what is believed to be a group of Japanese students who died inside.

"At a certain point I'm not going to risk my staff for people where I believe there is no chance of survivability."

Fires burned in the CTV building overnight and no signs of life have been detected there by cameras or listening devices.

Christchurch area commander Dave Cliff said the loss of a staff member in the building was painful.

It meant police could relate to the loss and desperation being suffered by family with loved ones still trapped, he said.

Nancy Wu, whose husband Paul Wu is among the missing in the CTV building, said news that search and rescue workers were putting efforts at the site on hold was "devastating".

"But hopefully they will return and not give up because people can still be alive for many hours. We are not giving up hope."

Miracle rescue a ray of hope

A woman who was trapped but uninjured in a narrow, cramped space in the pancaked PGG building for just over 25 hours has now been rescued.

Ann Bodkin was carried out on a fire truck ladder this afternoon.

Her husband Graham Richardson spoke to the Herald about the amazing rescue.

When asked if he held any hope that Ann was alive overnight, he said: "You always hope.

I had lots of people around me helping and praying that she'd be fine."

He said the rescuers were "just unbelievable".

"Seeing those guys in the building with an aftershock going on is just scary as.

"It takes so long to get someone out. It's just amazing.

"I can't believe the job they've done. Getting her out is just stupendous. I'm a very happy man. I obviously feel for all the other people waiting to hear."

Mr Richardson said when Ann came out, she couldn't even turn to look at him because of her neck brace and she just giggled.

He said he couldn't describe the feeling when he was told that she was still alive inside the building.

"I was told to get myself down here because she was asking for me. I didn't break any speed limits but I got here pretty quickly."

Christchurch mayor Bob Parker also witnessed the rescue. "When she came out, she said to her husband, Graham: "I didn't know if I was going to see you again, but I was determined to see you again."

Graham was in "an incredibly emotional state," said Mr Parker.

"That moment of connection and relief was just palpable."

Ann Bodkin was immediately taken away for a medical check-up after being rescued.

"She was complaining of being a bit sore because she was on one side for a long time," said Mr Parker

"In the midst of what has been by and large one of the bleakest days in the story of our city, the sun came out at the same moment as they removed Ann from that building.

"They got Ann out of the building and God turned on the lights.

"They got a blanket in underneath her and there was painstaking work to cut back the concrete and the steel. They moved her out very gently to the end of the ladder and it was extraordinarily emotional.

"The rescuers then put a pair of sunglasses on her because she'd been in the dark for so long.

"Ann is one of the miracles of the day. When you feel something like that it's a moment of hope and optimism."

Grant Lord, the officer in charge of the rescue site at the PGG building, earlier said the team was trying to access to Ann from underneath where she was, but if that didn't work they were going to go through the top of the building.

He said the woman did not appear to be injured and was actually "very chirpy" and in good health. The woman had taken cover under a chair or a desk when the earthquake had struck.

Ann was the fourth survivor to be pulled from the PGG building today.
作者: sherry_nz    时间: 2011-2-23 18:03:40

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2011-2-23 19:04:47





作者: risenfan    时间: 2011-2-23 19:35:42

作者: 2233aaa    时间: 2011-2-23 19:45:52

作者: catchan    时间: 2011-2-23 19:48:00

不会的, 不管你是哪国人没有特殊原因, 大家是不会放弃援救。 这个版主怎么可以在这里煽风点火乱讲。
北岸卫星电视08 发表于 2011-2-23 14:14

對, 不要搞事了, 他們放弃援救一定有原因, 再者, 不要說什麼有中國人.....這個時候不是分人種的時候, 相信裡面kiwi的人數一定比中國人多
作者: Ardell假睫毛    时间: 2011-2-23 20:03:33

作者: bigbear    时间: 2011-2-23 20:56:58     标题: 回复: 还有个中国人在CTV大楼下,为什么救援队就要撤离阿!!

本帖最后由 bigbear 于 2011-2-23 21:03 编辑



发送自我的 Desire HD 大板凳
作者: prayer914    时间: 2011-2-23 21:20:38

本帖最后由 prayer914 于 2011-2-23 21:21 编辑

刚才电视上说. 昨天晚上, CTV里面有个人, 还跟她老公打了电话, 说她和其他四个人, 都活着. 到现在, 才过了一天, 就说都死了???? 让人怎么信服???? 她老公真可怜. 如果没收到电话也就算了, 但明知道他老婆活在里面, 但没人救, 那是怎么样的感觉啊???
作者: sammy1112    时间: 2011-2-23 21:27:12

對, 不要搞事了, 他們放弃援救一定有原因, 再者, 不要說什麼有中國人.....這個時候不是分人種的時候, 相信裡面kiwi的人數一定比中國人多
catchan 发表于 2011-2-23 19:48

作者: 归来开放    时间: 2011-2-23 21:30:03


作者: poppet    时间: 2011-2-23 21:38:13

题目我也承认偏激了,但是那是看完新闻后不到三分钟发的贴,因为当时实在看到救援撤离心情实在太难受了,同事有哭出声来的!一时难以接受. 麻烦各位口下留情吧,想找茬的找别人帖子去,我没心情也没时间奉陪,谢谢

作者: gazer    时间: 2011-2-23 21:40:14

作者: homealone    时间: 2011-2-23 22:06:59

作者: 小人儿雪糕    时间: 2011-2-23 22:25:53

武夫的眉笔 发表于 2011-2-23 14:12

作者: jennifer_wen    时间: 2011-2-23 22:36:34

作者: 小人儿雪糕    时间: 2011-2-23 22:37:34

作者: tli004    时间: 2011-2-24 00:24:05

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作者: 武夫的眉笔    时间: 2011-2-24 00:31:33

tli004 发表于 2011-2-23 23:24



作者: d_tsai    时间: 2011-2-24 01:28:55

本帖最后由 d_tsai 于 2011-2-24 01:33 编辑

的確 看那個挺著很大的雙下巴的老警員 慢條斯理的說話 從他聲音裡感覺不出任何一點的焦慮或關懷.

呵呵  難怪他說 "100% sure there's no survivors" 不進去救 那半點機會都沒有了

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