
标题: 比较急 毕业前拿到JOB OFFER 应该申请哪种work visa? [打印本页]

作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-15 12:48:36     标题: 比较急 毕业前拿到JOB OFFER 应该申请哪种work visa?

我的学生签证3月31号到期,现在拿到了JOB OFFER,是跟我的学位一致的专业,NZ硕士学位。用人单位说,等我的工签下来后,工作可以随时开始了。我是申请graduate open work visa 好呢 还是之前申请2年的工签?PR可以同时递上去吗?算了一下分数140以上了。单位说会协助我提供材料。希望有经验的能指点一下。非常感谢。
作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-15 13:20:15

申请graduate open work visa 更好。一样可以递pr申请,这样你可以获得多1年的工签时间,对自己对雇主都很有利。
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-15 13:27:53

谢谢你 lovegame. 但是我不太明白这样可以得到多一年的工签,这个是什么意思呢? 比如说我现在申请graduate open work permit 后, 我又立刻递上2年的work visa申请 可以吗?这样会变3年(1年graduate open+2年work visa)吗?请再指教下,非常感谢!
作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-15 15:33:30

本帖最后由 lovegame 于 2011-2-15 15:35 编辑

open工签是在你正规学习结束后凭毕业证等等就可以申请的,不需要job offer, 不需要雇主支持,目的是让留学生用来找本地工作或实习的。如果你不利用它,过期它是会作废的。
等这1年的open工签快过期的时候,你再请雇主填个supplementary form of employer和合同以及其他必需的材料申请under study to work policy的2年工签。这时候你就只能在具体的某一家公司工作了,要换公司必须先换签证。也不能同时打2份工。关键是如果你先申请了under study to work policy的2年工签,以后就不能再回头申请那个1年的open工签了。

作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-15 15:45:49

作者: 宋颂    时间: 2011-2-15 16:17:02

作者: whm1984    时间: 2011-2-15 17:38:48

说的很好哦 顶一个 lovegame 太棒了 5# lovegame
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-15 21:50:36

作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-16 13:51:08


作者: Zidane    时间: 2011-2-16 18:21:07

我是和老板商量先签了一个20 hours per week 的contract. 工签下来立刻转成permanent job.
你可以将你递work visa的document copy一下. 拿过去和HR说一说.
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-16 22:58:04

再次顶下lovegame 哈哈
LS的朋友握手,我的情况也是一样的哦,在我办好work visa前同公司先做20小时的工,下来工签后就可以改成permenant ft了。28号开工啦。。祝大家开工顺利
作者: Zidane    时间: 2011-2-17 09:20:38

apply your work permit as soon as you can. it seems quite slow during this particular time. I applied last Friday. however, they still haven't received my application yet (Wed).
作者: 易威信薛佳    时间: 2011-2-17 14:22:34

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作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-17 21:19:45

谢谢LS的薛佳,也分析的很全面。我衡量了一下,决定申请2年work visa.顺便提个问题,有些还能申请3年的work visa? 要有职业registration那种?

我的专业是social worker,我现在刚毕业只能申请provisional registration. 要full registration需要1000个supervised hours.我跟现在的单位商量过,他们是全力支持我full registration.不知我这种情况能不能申请3年的work visa?

还有我现在的job title不是social worker,是employment consultant,我是跟clients recovered from mental health issues直接接触,协助他们找工作。单位是专门做mental health recovery的,跟我学的专业是相关的。顺便附上一份我的job description.应该符合专业和工作对口吧,当时seek上单位写了要招mental health, nurse, occupational therapist或social work 背景的。 如果不符合就晕死了。。下面是job description.

Position:  Employment Consultant

Date prepared:  October 2010       
Prepared by: HR, NB

Manager’s approval:

Job holder’s approval:

Purpose of position:
To provide individualised support to Workfocus clients aimed at facilitating their successful entry to the work-force and maintenance of that employment.  This involves identifying needs, setting goals, providing support, role-modelling and coaching.

Reports to:        Team Leader, Workfocus in the first instance

Functional relationships:

        Clients seeking open employment
Clients in employment
        Family/Whanau
        Vocational services
        Other FW services
        Other mental health agencies
        Identified clinicians
        Employers
        Community Mental Health Centres
        ASENZ (The Association for Supported Employment in New Zealand)


Key Result Area        Performance Standard        Performance Measure

Supporting client to identify ‘natural’, employment and community supports through the Workfocus Service.
        Process ensures that the client’s career development process is on-going and attempts to identify, develop and meet the client’s strengths, needs and aspirations.

The Employment Consultant assists and encourages natural community supports that enhance employment opportunities and interdependent relationships.

Ongoing liaison with identified clinicians and support workers.

        Every client has a completed Personal Plan and on-going goal setting is evidenced.
Individual career development is evident through Personal Plans.

Strengths Based model is implemented and documented.

Natural supports are identified and documented.

Multi-disciplinary meetings and inter-service liaison is evidenced for best practice service delivery. Evidence of Group supervision as per Strengths Model.
Facilitating client entry into the mainstream work-force.
        Pre-vocational
        Study
        Job Cub        The Employment Consultant supports the client towards growth and development in the fulfilment of individual employment goals and objectives.        Personal Plans completed.

Client acknowledgment of increased job seeking competencies.

Client placement into mainstream employment.

On-the job support.        The Employment Consultant ensures the development of a Job Support Plan which identifies and addresses the client’s needs whilst in employment.
        Job Support plan is established and assistance is offered to the client as learning outcomes are identified through the Strengths Model review process.

On-going improvement in the client’s quality of employment experiences.         Relationship building with         communities, family / whanau and client.        The Employment Consultant establishes a pro-active, open and ongoing liaison with: employers, other MH services, and community resources in order to maintain a safe environment and ‘pre-empt’ problems before they occur. (This includes formal and informal linkages with the community)
        Early intervention, observation, and demonstration of knowledge in order to provide quick and appropriate solutions/actions.

On-going improvement in the client’s relationships         with people in his/her employment environment.          Relationship building with         employers.        The Employment Consultant facilitates the process and establishment of positive relationships in the workplace.        The Employment Consultant is able to coach and act as a role model for clients in a wide range of   communication skills.
Relationships building in FW services.
                Vocational Services
        Personal Development
        Like Minds, Like Mine
        Clinical Teams        Integral internal relationships are evidenced.
Meeting FW’s expectations.

        The Employment Consultant understands and follows the policy and procedures of both FW and Workfocus Vocational Services.
Undertakes ongoing personal and professional development and training.

Also includes Health and Safety, ASENZ principles and standards, core business training, marketing and promotion.

Undertakes regular ongoing supervision.

Operates within the parameters of the Treaty of Waitangi in observance of cultural safety protocols.

Participates actively and constructively in team meetings, group supervision and service development.

        Adherence to FW’s Performance Standards.

Completes Performance Review requirements as per schedule.

Observes and role models FW values and can be evidenced in Performance Review.

Completion of developmental plan within 3 months of commencement of position in consultation with the Team Leader and Workfocus.

Regular attendance at monthly internal supervision.

Delivery of culturally safe service is evidenced.

Attends and contributes to team meetings.

Maintains accurate and timely client records, both computerised and files.

Provides accurate monthly statistical reporting as per requirements.

Provides other reports as required by the Team Leader and /or Operations Manager.

General        As directed by Workfocus Team Leader.
To adhere to the ASENZ principles and standards.       

Evident through ASENZ quality standards evaluation.
Health and Safety        Monitor Health and Safety relevant to the needs of               Service and which comply with Health and Safety Act 1992 and Amendment May 2003

Ensure your own health and safety and also the health and safety of other colleagues and/or visitors to our premises        •        Compliance with the Health and Safety Act.  Specifically in relation to the induction of new staff
•        Potential risks are identified and appropriate action is taken.

The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed. They are not intended to be construed as a list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required of the position and the incumbent.

KEY COMPETENCIES:         fully detailed in the Competency Framework

•        Working with Data and Information
-        Gathering and analysing information
-        Record keeping/documentation
-        Decision making
•        Working with People
-        Managing relationships and networking
-        Team working, coaching and guiding
-        Communicating, influencing and negotiating
•        Working with Service Users
•        Working with Maori
•        Working with Families/Whanau
•        Working within Communities
•        Challenging Stigma and Discrimination
•        Law, Policy and Practice
•        Professional and Personal Development

Personal Attributes:

•        Compassionate & Caring: sensitive and empathetic
•        Genuine: warm, friendly, fun, have aroha and a sense of humour
•        Non-judgmental: non-discriminatory
•        Open-minded: culturally aware, self-aware, innovative, creative and positive risk takers
•        Optimistic: positive, encouraging and enthusiastic
•        Patient: tolerant and flexible
•        Professional: accountable, reliable and responsible
•        Resilient
•        Supportive: validating, empowering and accepting
•        Understanding

Role-models and upholds key FW Values:

•        Demonstrating Integrity
•        Evidence Informed
•        Person centred
•        Outcomes focused
•        Innovation
•        Valuing Diversity
•        Working Collaboratively
•        Striving for Excellence
•        Communicating Effectively
•        Financial Sustainability
•        Environmental Responsibility
•        Embracing Aroha



All work roles have inherent hazards associated with them.  The roles that you will be involved in at FW are no exception.  As an employer, FW is required by law to manage such hazards.

Possible hazards associated with your role are listed in this brochure, together with measures which have been designed to ensure your health and safety.  The listed “control” measures include various equipment, processes, policies and/or approved procedures.

All employees are expected and required to follow the established controls.

In addition to the above, all work areas have processes in place to identify hazards specific to that area.  Trained Health and Safety Representatives in your area can assist you with any Health & Safety issue.

Role/Task/Position        Hazard        Outcome        Controls in place to Manage
VDU users
(all employees)        Overuse/ergonomics        Strain injury        •        Workstation assessment, equipment and setup
•        VDU Training
•        Manually varying tasks
Manual and patient handling
(all clinical staff)        Excess weight        Strain        •        Back Care Training
•        Utilizing appropriate services
Working with public and clients
(all clinical staff)        Unwell/stressed service users and families        Verbal Abuse, violence/aggression
Stress        •        Attend appropriate training                           Supervision
•        Utilize team based processes                       Debriefs
•        Be familiar with procedures for dealing with violence (watches, security, police)
Working with public and clients
(all clinical staff)        Unwell service users        Infectious diseases        •        Infection control training appropriate to area – local procedures
•        Utilizing protective equipment                     Vaccination programmes
•        Paid sick leave and return to work programme
Working with public in the community         Isolation/lack of support        Poor outcomes, stress, potential injury        •        Community Visits Policy  (Health & Safety Manual)
•        Local procedures (e.g. cell phones, access to consultation)
•        Team based reviews, risk management plans
•        Organisational Counselling Programmes (OCP)   (free counselling)                                                                  regular supervision with manager
Driving for work – company vehicles
(All staff)         Usual traffic hazards        Breakdown/injury        •        Current drivers licence                                 Driver Responsibility
•        Vehicle maintenance                                    Insurance/roadside rescue
All Staff        Slips and falls        Potential Injury        •        All staff members are required to cleanup a spill or remove an unsafe obstacle
•        Report hazard to Manager or Health & Safety Rep.
All Staff        Long hours
Lack of training/support
Bullying        Stress        •        Report hazards, alert  direct manager, attend regular supervision
•        Regular meetings and appropriate training
•        Organisational Counselling Programmes (OCP)   (free counselling)                                 Harassment Policy/Officers
•        Utilising own GP
All Staff        Machinery/electrical appliances        Potential Injury
Lack of service        •        Regular maintenance / checklist               Utilizing appropriate support services
•        Report hazard to Manager or Health & Safety Rep
All Staff        Chemicals (very limited)        Exposure/injury        •        Clearly labelled and correctly stored         Staff training
•        Accompanying  Safety Data Sheet (S.D.S)
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-17 22:19:54

作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-17 23:07:57

                 劣势: OPEN签过期后,如果工作出现了变动,或则你的工作无法担保你的身份,你将没有退路。
2.申请两年工签: 优势:不需要用掉OPEN工 ...
易威信薛佳 发表于 2011-2-17 14:22






作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-17 23:12:07

谢谢LS的薛佳,也分析的很全面。我衡量了一下,决定申请2年work visa.顺便提个问题,有些还能申请3年的work visa? 要有职业registration那种?

我的专业是social worker,我现在刚毕业只能申请provisional regist ...
marylyn 发表于 2011-2-17 21:19

作者: 爱酷车用品    时间: 2011-2-17 23:24:56

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作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-17 23:30:19

LOVEGAME回答的超级仔细,谢谢你! 这么一说我又开始动摇在open跟2年的工签上。我的单位是政府部门,我也不知道谁是老板啊说真的,属于minstry of health下边的。顶头上司是team leader和manager。其实我觉得还是有信心能胜任的,因为工作的属性跟我学的专业和性格挺配合,但是真正上场就不知道什么情况了。。。3年的那种明天打电话immigration问下,我就是没耐性排队等N久也没轮到问,还是要认真对待了看来。
作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-18 00:22:41

LOVEGAME回答的超级仔细,谢谢你! 这么一说我又开始动摇在open跟2年的工签上。我的单位是政府部门,我也不知道谁是老板啊说真的,属于minstry of health下边的。顶头上司是team leader和manager。其实我觉得还是有信 ...
marylyn 发表于 2011-2-17 23:30

大的公司或政府部门,你的老板就是你的部门的上司,有决定权的key man。但是你必须要先让你的顶头上司满意你才会获得更上一级的支持,所以先要让顶头上司满意你的工作。

作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-18 00:26:05

顶下 lovegame, 讲的很全面!
爱酷车用品 发表于 2011-2-17 23:24

作者: 邂逅彩虹    时间: 2011-2-18 08:11:39

作者: Zidane    时间: 2011-2-18 11:00:36

I would like to suggest LZ apply open work visa rather than 2 years work visa, because it will approved quite faster. That s mean you can work full time as soon as you can. The reason why the employee seek a full time role is they need the staff work full time, however, you cant work full time during the visa's processing time. that will be trouble. also, I heard that the average processing time of 2 years work permit is 2 months.
作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-18 11:13:22

邂逅彩虹 发表于 2011-2-18 08:11

这这这.........这个...想法够大胆,it's a good question.

作者: Zidane    时间: 2011-2-18 11:17:10

I am not sure how many immi score does LZ have, apply open work visa if you pretty sure you can get the residency. I got 155 immi point by myself, what i am applying currently is open work permit. However, I am not confident my answer is correct, because I have been nz only 1.5 years. maybe you could call the immigration, tell them your situation, and ask which type of visa you gotta apply.
作者: 邂逅彩虹    时间: 2011-2-18 12:09:10

这这这.........这个...想法够大胆,it's a good question.

lovegame 发表于 2011-2-18 11:13

作者: 邂逅彩虹    时间: 2011-2-18 12:26:20

作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-18 12:31:49

本帖最后由 marylyn 于 2011-2-18 12:35 编辑

Thank you all love game, zidane,邂逅彩虹.

I've rang the immigration today. The immi officer suggested  I apply for the graduate open work permit. Given reasons are similar to what lovegame mentioned. Regarding the uncertainties once I start working & the longer process time, I think I should apply for the open work visa for good.

@Zidane. Coincidently, we have the same EOI points haha handshake. Been here bit longer than u. 2 years. When are you starting to submit your EOI mate?
作者: 饒饒熊    时间: 2011-2-18 12:41:12

lz和我学的是一样的专业啊。。不过我是Bachelor的。恭喜找到单位~但是我不知道你的job title不是social worker 是 Employment Consultant 不知道符不符合pr要求呢。。给个link你参考下
http://www.immigration.govt.nz/m ... ormation/anzsco.htm
http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/a ... A63CA2575DF002DA6A6
272511 Social Worker
作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-18 14:10:59

Thank you all love game, zidane,邂逅彩虹.

I've rang the immigration today. The immi officer suggested  I apply for the graduate open work permit. Given reasons are similar to what lovegame mentione ...
marylyn 发表于 2011-2-18 12:31

作者: ㊣wsawsd㊣    时间: 2011-2-18 14:31:41

作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-18 14:36:21

lovegame高人 膜拜下先嘻嘻
谢谢饒饒熊:) 刚又打了电话去CAB去咨询了下,那位工作人员说如果job title和所学专业表面不对应的话,可以让单位出supplyment letter,补充说明我的专业为什么和职位相符合,所以是explain explain,说到immigration officer 信服,不过也打算去律师那里问下,采集多方观点 哈哈
作者: Zidane    时间: 2011-2-19 14:11:57

呵呵 我准备再呆2-3个月再递, 给你PM了我的联系方式, 我们可以交流一下, 我不打算找中介了, 准备自己递.
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-19 16:30:53

just flicked you an email zidane. :D

will keep updating here. Oops just submitted EOI today.finger crossed >.<
作者: 麥豆    时间: 2011-2-19 22:49:22

24# lovegame

Graduate Job Search的work visa必须在student visa的时候或结束后3个月内申请,超过3个月就不能申请了,每个人只能申请一次(1年)
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-20 11:09:58

恩恩 谢谢楼上的朋友提醒 收集材料办理中了
作者: 自行了断    时间: 2011-2-22 18:35:49

作者: 我是会员NO.1    时间: 2011-2-22 18:54:05

作者: xiaoyanzi    时间: 2011-2-22 22:51:07

作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-23 13:01:22

恩恩 想再请教下申请open时,是填有job offer还是no job offer.不知道如果照实填有job offer会不会批得慢?但是如果不填yes,会不会又不如实上报。。迷惑中。。谢谢
作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-23 13:11:05

恩恩 想再请教下申请open时,是填有job offer还是no job offer.不知道如果照实填有job offer会不会批得慢?但是如果不填yes,会不会又不如实上报。。迷惑中。。谢谢
marylyn 发表于 2011-2-23 13:01

如果有,如实填写就好了,但并不意味着需要你把job offer附上去。不要杞人忧天,绝不会因为你有job就批得慢。
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-23 14:16:05

好的 谢谢啊lovegame
作者: 易威信薛佳    时间: 2011-2-23 15:55:30

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作者: 易威信薛佳    时间: 2011-2-23 15:58:51

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作者: Luckyday    时间: 2011-2-23 22:07:47

作者: juliajinjin    时间: 2011-2-24 02:04:27

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作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-24 09:31:04

也再次感谢易威信薛佳的回答,分析得很透彻,非常有帮助!!LOVEGAME是热心人啊,我决定申请open work permit先。

另外,今天一大早打电话给移民局了,再次问起the qualification has to be relevant with the job 问题,之前也问过另一个officer,2个officer都说只要job description是与学位学习过的内容相关就可以了,even it's under a different job title.打比方说我学的社工,可以涉及到一大堆范围,儿童保护,精神疾病,老人,家庭纠纷,残疾人,等等,只要和学的课程相关就是relevant了。这样说来就更加清晰了,希望对有需要此类信息的朋友有帮助。
作者: 邂逅彩虹    时间: 2011-2-24 10:42:20

2.如果办工作工签,一年PR下了,皆大欢喜,如 ...
易威信薛佳 发表于 2011-2-23 15:55

还是以后的工签=2年-你已经用过的2年工签时间  ?
作者: lovegame    时间: 2011-2-24 13:56:21

2.如果办工作工签,一年PR下了,皆大欢喜,如 ...
易威信薛佳 发表于 2011-2-23 15:55




每个人都必须努力让自己通过1年open工签+2年under study to work工签的工作申请下来移民了,效率再低点,再加2年essential to work的工签怎么也要下来了。否则,完全不用在nz混了。
结合和比较种种可能性,申请open工签-->申请under study to work工签-->essential to work的工签 是比较现实和可靠的选择。


作者: dangessss    时间: 2011-2-24 23:58:18

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-25 10:57:02

zidane is nick.
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-25 21:51:15

作者: 易威信薛佳    时间: 2011-2-28 01:11:04

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 易威信薛佳    时间: 2011-2-28 01:32:47

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 易威信薛佳    时间: 2011-2-28 01:40:36

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: marylyn    时间: 2011-2-28 17:44:31


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