Overall, the South Island’s shore fishing is more challenging than the North Island’s.
In the South Island many of the species are seasonal and also have specialised feeding requirements, so it’s important you do your homework.
The South Island’s coastline is also more exposed to prevailing weather along much of its length, whereas the North Island has long stretches of sheltered coastline. The final factor making fishing challenging in the South Island is the predominance of spiny dogfish. They are mainly a winter species and often dominate the catch. Fortunately, a greater diversity of fish species come close inshore along the South Island’s coastline as we head into spring.
Let’s take a look at the shore-fishing opportunities starting in Canterbury and working south to Otago Peninsula.
The surf beaches in North Canterbury are well worth a look from October until April, as a range of desirable species come inshore at this time. Conway Flats, Claverley and Nape Nape Beaches are particular favourites of mine. A light northwesterly wind is best, as it flattens the surf; a good rod length is desirable to keep your line clear of the breakers.
Tuatua can be made into prime baits for elephant fish, which are most frequently caught in late spring. These fish are hard fighters, and once pulled from the surf, they seem encased in an almost surreal metallic-chrome sheen. They also make top eating, as you would expect from a species that primarily feeds on shellfish.
Rig are caught in this region from November to May, with anglers who make the effort to get either paddle crabs or crayfish for bait often taking them to 10 kilograms. A chilly bin with ice is needed to keep the bait fresh.
The surf beach at the Hurunui Mouth, accessed by 4WD from Nape Nape, is a good spot for kahawai. Often flocks of shearwaters and terns will mark out areas of activity. Large rig can be taken here, too.
Heading South, Pegasus Bay’s sweeping shallow expanse makes shore-based fishing difficult. Yet Amberley Beach, where the beach shelves more steeply than the rest of the bay, is worth a look for red cod and rig. Often I have found spiny dogfish to be a problem at this location.
The Brighton Pier is the best place for shore-based fishing in Pegasus Bay. A fun angling location in the summer, live-baiting a yelloweyed mullet off the pier is a good way to catch a kahawai.
In nearby Lyttelton Harbour, the Diamond Harbour Wharf is worth a go. In the summer ground-baiting and fishing with a float and small hooks is a good way to catch large yelloweyed mullet and garfish. At night, a whole, straylined mullet cast off any of the Lyttelton Harbour wharves is a good way to catch large stingray, which are best released upon capture.
In Akaroa Harbour there are several wharves, all worth a look for red cod on a rising tide at night. Huge red cod come in to forage on the mudflats’ numerous crabs.
To the South of Banks Peninsula, the sweep of the Canterbury Bight is as extensive as the length of Ninety Mile Beach. The gravel beaches can be accessed at different points. Taumutu Beach, near the outlet of Lake Ellesmere, is one of Canterbury’s best locations to catch large elephant fish from September until February. To the south, the beach at the South Rakaia Huts is a top spot for rig and school sharks.
Slightly further south, the beach at Dorie is a top spot for large school sharks, and the occasional seven-giller is also taken here.
Fishing near rivermouths is often productive for surf casters. The beach at the Orari Rivermouth is a top spot for large red cod.
Timaru Port is worth a look, and a wide range of fish can be caught here. Red cod, kahawai and the odd salmon are all targets over the summer. Also Caroline Bay is a good spot for drag-netting for large flounder, and unlike much of the surrounding coastline, it is a sheltered location.
Just to the South of Timaru, some impressive offshore reefs attract a wide range of fish. These reefs tend to be most productive at dusk, and some large blue moki can be caught here between Patiti Point and Tuhawaiki Point.
The Pareora and Otaio River mouths offer good beach-access points for surfcasters. These beaches are well known for a range of large sharks that cruise along them. For the shore-based shark-fishing enthusiast they are hard to beat.
While not often mentioned, and possibly overshadowed by trout and salmon fishing opportunities in the river and its mouth, the beach on the northern side of the Waitaki River is well worth a look during summer. Large shoals of kahawai are often present. There is nothing like freshly smoked kahawai on the beach at dusk. Good numbers of red cod can also be caught in the summer and autumn months.
The port at Oamaru offers a few spots to fish, but in my opinion there are much better options nearby that I would turn my attention to instead. Kakanui Point is well worth a go for blue moki and large banded wrasse. The odd butterfish will also take a bait here.
The coastline is spectacular in this region, with golden-coloured beaches and the chance of seeing a yellow-eyed penguin or two later in the day.
Moeraki Peninsula is a good spot, with Katiki Point being one of the best shore-fishing spots on the east coast. Large blue moki, blue cod, kahawai – and, over the summer months, salmon – can be caught here. At times barracouta can be a problem. In the autumn, large shoals of jack mackerel come close inshore.
There is some good cabin accommodation for those planning a multi-day trip to Moeraki.
To the south, Shag Point offers similar opportunities. If the sea calms down, there are some good opportunities to snorkel for paua and spear butterfish down here. In many ways the coastline of North Otago is overlooked by recreational fishermen and well worth taking the time to prospect. But take note that southerlies batter this coastline hard, so pick your weather.
The coastline from Karitane to Blueskin Bay is comparatively sheltered. Numerous estuaries offer good opportunities at their mouths for spearing flounder, or line-fishing for them at slack tide. Some large rig also enter these estuaries over the summer months, along with vast shoals of large yelloweyed mullet – with a few kahawai usually chasing and shadowing the latter.
Just to the south, Otago Harbour’s wharves are worth a look from December until March for salmon chasing the sprat shoals. A live-baited mullet or dead-drifted sprat or pilchard works best. Make sure you have a hoop net to lift any salmon you catch from the water.
Much of the South Island’s east coast is easily accessible, offering those travelling along State Highway One a chance to do a multi-day surfcasting trip, perhaps popping in to visit an enticing range of locations. The spring and summer period offers the best sea fishing, and northwesterly winds are favoured.
If conditions rough up, target the rivermouths and lagoons for searun trout, large mullet, flounder, kahawai and salmon. Once conditions calm down again, turn your attention to the surf beaches.
If possible, use a range of baits so a greater range of species can be covered. Remember to read the signs and carefully watch the birds; shags and terns will often mark out areas where surface-feeding fish – such as kahawai – are working.
In many ways, fishing off the beaches – especially the stretch from Timaru to Otago – has been overlooked, but the adventurous angler can enjoy its rewards and solitude. So get your surf gear organised and make the most of the approaching months.作者: Sportfishing 时间: 2011-1-31 22:47:28