
标题: 大家知道填了哪张表以后自己的姓就正式随夫姓了? [打印本页]

作者: evolution2009    时间: 2011-1-28 10:00:15     标题: 大家知道填了哪张表以后自己的姓就正式随夫姓了?


作者: 米虫宝宝    时间: 2011-1-28 10:18:37

去内政部的网站上找表格啦,http://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsit ... Change?OpenDocument
作者: PhoneCareLtd    时间: 2011-1-28 15:53:20

作者: happyfish123    时间: 2011-1-28 16:08:40

you do not have to register your name change after you get married. the office told me that i could only bring the marrige certificate to show if i want my surname officially changed . you can use the marrige certificate to change your bank account name, name in driver licence, passport, etc. if you fill up the application form , you have to pay about $150 for the name change but your marrige certificate can work as the same. unless you want your first name changed too.
作者: evolution2009    时间: 2011-1-29 10:06:46

是不是一定要是 nz citizenship才能改名字??pr不可以的?
作者: 44中    时间: 2011-1-29 10:54:17

米虫宝宝 发表于 2011-1-28 10:18


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