you dont need to see evidence...
if the police car was behind you, radar detect your car first..
if the police car was in front of you, radar detect the car in front of you...
this is you were pulled over and given a speeding ticket...and not the car in front...作者: netghost1860 时间: 2011-1-29 01:36:11
而且不是枪拍的.....还象敢时间一样....我解释前面有车,我是尾随...结果他说没看见,可当时明明那车他看的请清楚楚,我指给他,他看见了就不说话了...直接来了句"GET OFF THE CAR" 语气和滚下车没区别,,,,当时我就郁闷了,,,,首都的警察就是NB....作者: aa9989 时间: 2011-1-30 19:20:39