You may be able to get a card if you are …And your yearly income (before tax) is …
Single – living with others $23,576.00 or less
Single – living alone $24,995.00 or less
Married, civil unionor de facto couple –no children $37,336.00 or less
Family of 2 $45,078.00 or less
Family of 3 $54,589.00 or less
Family of 4 $62,154.00 or less
Family of 5 $69,563.00 or less
Family of 6 $77,843.00 or less
For families of more than 6, the limit goes up
another $7,295.00 for each extra person.
(Rates at 1 April 2010)
By family, we mean parents (including sole parents) and children living together. Once a child is aged 18 years, they can’t use your card any more, but they can apply for their own.作者: lovegame 时间: 2011-1-13 12:49:42
The Community Services Card can reduce the cost of:
prescription fees
fees for after hours doctor visits
visits to a doctor who is not your regular doctor
glasses for children under 16
emergency dental care provided by hospitals and approved dental contractors (ask the dental provider if they are an approved contractor)
travel and accommodation for treatment at a public hospital outside your area when you have been referred (at least 80km away for adults and 25km for children)
home help.
You can use your card for your dependent children aged under 18 years.
If you are getting one of the following types of help you (or your child, in some cases) will automatically be issued with a Community Services Card.
Child Disability Allowance
Domestic Purposes Benefit
Emergency Benefit
Independent Youth Benefit
Invalids Benefit
Orphans Benefit
Residential Care Subsidy
Sickness Benefit
Student Allowance
Unemployment Benefit
Unsupported Childs Benefit
Veterans Pension
Widows Benefit.
We administer the Community Services Card on behalf of the Ministry of Health.作者: lovegame 时间: 2011-1-13 12:58:14