朋友即将离开新西兰了,他的三只小狗想找有爱心人士领养。他中文不太好由我帮他发贴,有想要的朋友挑中一只后告诉我。谢谢了!4 {, b' ]3 C6 z PS:我人在国内,也对朋友的小狗狗爱莫能助,所以希望能帮他找到小宝贝们的好主人。 Hello friend,i'll soon go abroad,i have to part from my three baby------toy poodle dogs, they are Lula,Jack and Alice,from 4 month old to 1 year old. I want to find a person with kind heart who will adopt him,pls check the picture of them and told me which baby you like to adopt. I'll find the most proper master for him.Thanks!!" J+ ^) z+ _5 Q8 } Lula's photo-----http://sharecash.org/download.php?file=1576813% E5 r- ?9 T7 g2 N1 ` ` _* e0 H/ \, w3 {* Y Alice's photo--------http://sharecash.org/download.php?file=1576812) y2 |/ P8 S$ t: @0 _$ B' M Jack's photo--------http://sharecash.org/download.php?file=1576811 |
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