
标题: 撿到小鳥怎麼辦?? [打印本页]

作者: pala    时间: 2010-12-26 23:20:31     标题: 撿到小鳥怎麼辦??

應該是只幼鳥, 身上還帶些絨毛, 會拍動翅膀, 可是不會飛哦, 只會跳...在我家院子裡已經呆了一天了, 怕它晚上在外面會凍到目前安置在家裡一個紙箱裡面...5 z" {$ F4 u7 v' w1 Q/ T' S
0 P# r0 C( Z* _/ G# g% X3 j
沒有養鳥的經驗, 給了水, 和一些水果, 可是都沒吃哦...>< 怎麼辦?? 1 p9 d- _6 U" k
1 M/ S3 |- G7 x5 P+ Y9 G
下午它爸媽在FENCE另一頭叫了好久, 特別是看到我們把它抓起來的時候, 異常激動, 可是並不知道他們的窩在哪裡, 貿然放去FENCE另一頭萬一遇到貓, 狗怎麼辦...
! M+ \5 ]( q. J. D4 c7 B! d' O* d: K0 I8 b
作者: VB    时间: 2010-12-26 23:36:29

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作者: Clark1129    时间: 2010-12-26 23:41:40

作者: Mikobebe    时间: 2010-12-27 17:12:38

) @4 ~$ {) I! p+ s9 o% i6 f如果LZ想自己收养的话可以打电话或者TXT我,因为我有收养经验(至今宝贝仍健康快乐的存活着)021685368
* d2 _/ X, G9 G5 E( |8 }不要给幼鸟吃水果,如果家里没有幼鸟的湿粮就把面包泡软了喂先
- p$ M6 `" \% h3 a3 @如果你想自己收养,可以向我咨询啊^^
作者: E-fashion    时间: 2010-12-27 19:19:09

记忆中,如果是麻雀的话,应该是我们养不活的。那天我去one tree hill也是。我家两只狗发现一只小雏鸟。不怎么会飞。估计从树上掉下来的。我们家狗狗一直很好奇地再玩。(我其实很想救她,不过因为他跑进了养牛的栅栏里面,我进不去)还好我们家狗狗也小,只是会用小爪子拨拨。后来一直成鸟,一直在试着引起我们家狗狗的注意,好在最后成功了。我们家两只小王八蛋去追那只大的了。lg说应该是鸟妈妈,在救自己的宝宝。就是不知道最后怎么样,如果成鸟有力量的话,是可以把小鸟抓回窝里的。
作者: 宝贝包子    时间: 2010-12-27 21:41:12

打电话给SPCA  09-2567300
作者: pala    时间: 2010-12-29 00:24:19

谢谢大家, 对不起小鸟, 对不起小鸟的爸妈...伤心透了><
- _( c! P9 Q8 V! P! b  S& a4 [9 c* t# P7 O( a# l9 r
意外来得那么的突然, 就听到一阵鸟的惨叫, 然后猛的一路跑, 看到一只狗, 另一只呢...心里想着完蛋, 结果我甚至都不敢去看...
- a7 k/ `4 g! `/ Y* X$ |
" Q$ Q  B$ t0 G# r0 [有时人一时的疏忽真的能酿成大错...,我说他压根没关门, 他说他关了, 可是估计门没卡好, 后来也不知道怎么开了...
* N9 ]( r1 u' A  _5 q' \# [# M& b: R9 a
希望它在天堂一路走好...! D" d! t* E+ O5 A

3 \, g! z3 o! b6 ]' Y( e( L真的很伤心的, 到现在还不能原谅老公, 每次听到鸟叫心都是揪着的...
作者: pala    时间: 2010-12-29 00:34:01

SPCA网站上介绍如何帮助这些幼鸟, 希望能帮到以后遇到类似情况的朋友 ! k* U/ g1 h; N' c' _) i4 B1 P

) y2 ^  {/ ~0 u. ^  DIn the late Spring and early Summer many baby birds, known as fledglings, may be separated from their nest and their mother. There is a simple procedure that can be adopted in rescuing these vulnerable little birds who have left their nests in their early attempts in learning to fly.+ u' w& P, ^3 t  ?$ G

; S, Q( s0 h8 C) w) _5 }; U
5 X- q. i) V7 I
( q/ Q5 f6 E" `, JShould you find a fledgling that is not injured but cannot quite fly yet, we suggest the following three alternatives.
" V4 e& Y! _% A* N$ R2 }  x7 E8 o  V
   1. Try to locate the nest and place the youngster back in. If the nest has fallen out of the tree, wedge it securely back in.
% L3 a8 {  [) _# M+ B
: [+ l$ @( ]* Q8 E- l# C   2. Place the young bird on top of a thick hedge. This will be hard for cats to climb up onto and also gives a good platform from which to eventually take off. The youngster will call out for its parents and should be fed by them until it's time to take that first major flight, hopefully within a week or so.
0 {* o) H* Q- G$ g. r, e
$ r4 P& J) W% ]   3. If no hedge is available, get an ice cream container or cardboard / plastic milk container - cut in half and discard the top part. Punch small holes in the bottom (for drainage) and holes in the side (small enough to feed string, thread or wire through) and hang it from either a tree branch or clothes line. (The clothes line is preferable, as cats have difficulty climbing up clothes lines.) Put bark shavings, leaves, etc. in the bottom of the container. Again, the bird should call out and be fed by the parents until it gets its full flying wings and is ready to leave. Ensure that there is as little human handling of the fledgling as possible and it is always better for the young to be raised by their natural parents rather than by a human carer. Whatever action you take remember to keep a watchful eye open from a distance in the hope that the mother or father will return to be reunited with their young.
作者: Mikobebe    时间: 2010-12-29 19:01:42

感觉说捡到小鸟后。。应该立刻去买个鸟笼···# F2 T, a8 R* a/ T. O  ~, E
作者: sarahhuan    时间: 2010-12-31 18:00:41


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