本人正在煩惱選Second Major問題, First major都是九成中國女生都選的Accounting, second major又不想選Finance, 聽說沒有用, 而且自己沒興趣, 原本想選International Trade, 又但怕自己沒有能力, 單是一科Intbus210已經頭痛, 又想過Economics, 但好像又沒有用, 請各位師兄師姐給點意見作者: asitwell 时间: 2010-12-20 04:54:22
international trade比eco更加实际点作者: 八卦专用小号 时间: 2010-12-20 11:19:05
Economics is too broad and not necessarily good for job searching (Unless you got premier score or particularly interested in).
Suggest something related to InfoSys. At least you are more familiar with all kind of systems by the end of it. In bigger org, you have some skills to stand out. In small org, you are more value for money in charge of their system updating/developing.作者: 武夫的眉笔 时间: 2010-12-20 11:34:55
You will already be through Microeconomics and macroeconomics after the first year as they are compulsory anyway. It is not like you don't know anything about economics at all. At least I survive so far with only those two economics papers.
Guess you need to ask yourself why you have to choose second major? If it is for personal interest, you can have International Trade and enjoy it. But if it is for better job opportunity, you then need to compare which major is easier for job application and endure it. Otherwise, you are fine with one Accounting major.作者: leonlmf 时间: 2010-12-20 15:56:32
maybe you should try comlaw作者: gogosky 时间: 2010-12-20 16:12:25