小偷用不同车牌開此车, 此车曾在 West Akl, North Shore, Newton CBD areas 出現过, 请住些地區的大大多多留意..
尤其是这些路段-- Newton Road, K road, Kyper Pass Rd, New North Road, Symond St, upper queen st...作者: CWF895 时间: 2010-12-18 09:08:36
please double check or search any Manual Nissan Skyline with electric sunroof from your neighbors or around you, there is a Vin Number in white color at right or left edge in rear window,
Vin number is 7A8DH120700105454. no matter it is different color or different number plate, please report to police immediately if you found it.
Will get big award!!作者: honglinxi-1 时间: 2010-12-31 21:44:05
非常感谢大家,我的qq827626590,请可能看到车子的朋友(also ring 111 police to trace the car,tell police where did you just see it (street name;direction), any suspecious car you see,ring 111 rightaway) , 可以随时联系,辛苦大家了。非常感谢喔作者: ky108 时间: 2011-1-24 07:37:32