
标题: 政府只承诺第一年给中学教师加薪0.5%,第二年加1.9%,大家怎么看? [打印本页]

作者: duncan_kai    时间: 2010-12-5 22:08:01     标题: 政府只承诺第一年给中学教师加薪0.5%,第二年加1.9%,大家怎么看?

作者: 武夫的眉笔    时间: 2010-12-5 22:11:42

作者: suzisuzi    时间: 2010-12-5 22:23:14


作者: 砸你家窗户    时间: 2010-12-5 22:34:59

当地人懒 不想干活 还要多拿钱。 哎 这个国家前途渺茫呀
作者: cath    时间: 2010-12-5 22:36:59

作者: tomorrow123    时间: 2010-12-6 10:02:07

68k-71k with 10 weeks paid school term leaves.
Base Salary
The teachers’ base scale is the same for all teachers in kindergartens and in state and state integrated schools.
The base salary scale ranges from $30,000 to $68,980, depending on a teacher’s qualifications and experience. Many teachers receive an allowance in addition to their base salary.
Untrained teachers start at $30,000 a year and make up less than three per cent of the teaching workforce (trained and untrained teachers).
Untrained primary teachers can progress to $31,305; untrained area teachers can progress to $36,523.
Untrained and unqualified secondary teachers can progress to $36,523 or $65,609 if they have or gain qualifications during their teaching career.
Salary Group 1 teachers have a qualification such as a Diploma of Teaching. They start at $33,914 a year and can progress to $54,132. Less than ten per cent of trained teachers are in this group.
Salary Group 2 teachers have a qualification such as an Advanced Trades Certificate. They start at $36,523 and can progress to $58,044. About three per cent of trained teachers are in this group.
Salary Group 3 teachers have a qualification such as a Bachelor of Teaching. They start at $44,348 and can progress to $65,609. About twenty per cent of trained teachers are in this group.
Group 1 and 2 teachers can also progress to $65,609 while they hold permanent units.
Salary Group 3+ teachers have a qualification such as a Diploma of Teaching and a Bachelor of Arts. They start at $45,653 and makeup almost sixty per cent of all trained teachers.
Salary Group 4 teachers have a qualification such as an Honours degree. They start at $47,610 and represent about five per cent of all trained teachers.
Salary Group 5 teachers have a qualification such as a Masters or a PhD. They start at $50,217 represent about three per cent of all trained teachers.
The maximum base salary for Group 3+, 4, and 5 teachers is $68,980.
Teachers move up the salary scale by annual increment, moving to a higher step on the scale when their board is satisfied that they meet the professional standard. About two thirds of teachers have reached the maximum step on the salary scale.
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Allowances are made up of units, which recognise teachers’ leadership and professional responsibilities; management allowances; role-related allowances; and incentive allowances.
The annual cost of these allowances to Government is over $200 million. On average, allowances add about $5,600 to a teachers’ base salary.
Primary teachers
Forty per cent of primary teachers are allocated units on top of their base salary (allocations range from one to eight). The annual cost is about $101 million.
Primary teachers can get a role-related allowance if they teach at a Normal School, teach Sign Language, or teach in a Māori Immersion school or classroom.
Secondary teachers
Forty-six per cent of secondary teachers are allocated units on top of their base salary (allocations range from one to seventeen).
Most middle and senior management allowances in secondary schools go to unit holders. The annual cost is about $105 million.
Secondary teachers can get a role-related allowance if they teach in a Māori Immersion school or classroom, if they are a Specialist Classroom Teacher, or if they are a Careers Advisor.
Area teachers
Fifty-one per cent of area school teachers get up to 10 units on top of to their base salary.
Most middle management allowances in area schools go to unit holders. The annual cost is about $10 million.
Area school teachers can get a role-related allowance if they are a Specialist Teacher, if they teach in a Māori Immersion school or classroom, or if they are a Careers Advisor.
Incentive allowance
Primary, secondary, and area teachers can get an incentive allowance to teach in schools that:
are geographically isolated
have serious staffing difficulties
need extra support for teacher recruitment and retention.
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Payments for Recruitment, Retention and Responsibility (3R payments)
Boards may make these payments from their operational funding to individual teachers, with the objective of enhancing educational outcomes.
The 3R payments $2750 for primary and up to the value of a unit for area and secondary teachers. Teachers may be allocated more than one payment.
Teachers may choose to join Kiwisaver and receive employer contributions in accordance with the scheme rules (currently set at 2% of gross earnings).
Separately, teachers may be members of a number of schemes that are now closed to new members (a teacher can only receive employer contribution to one superannuation scheme) they are:
Teachers Retirement Savings Scheme and State Sector Retirement Savings Scheme - the employer matches a teacher’s contribution up to 3% of the gross salary. Teachers can elect to make voluntary contributions in excess of their subsidised contribution.
The Government Superannuation Fund – the employer contribution is either 6.5% or 7% of the gross salary
National Provident Fund – the employer matches the teacher’s contribution up to 3% of the gross salary.
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Table: Unified Pay Scale
The Unified Pay Scale sets out the 14 steps of the teachers’ base salary, including the entry and maximum salaries for teacher groups.

Step Salary rate Entry/Maximum steps
1 $30,000 Untrained (no teaching qualification) entry
2 $31,305 Primary untrained maximum
3 $33,914 Salary group 1 (eg Diploma of Teaching) entry
4 $36,523 Salary group 2 (eg Advanced Trades Certificate) entry
Area untrained max / Secondary untrained and unqualified maximum
5 $40,434   
6 $44,348 Salary group 3 (eg a Bachelor of teaching) entry
7 $45,653 Salary group 3+ (eg a teaching qualification and a Bachelor of Arts) entry
8 $47,610 Salary group 4 (eg a Bachelor of Science (Hons) entry step
9 $50,217 Salary group 5 (eg a Masters or PhD) entry
10 $54,132 Salary group 1 maximum
11 $58,044 Salary group 2 maximum
12 $63,392   
13 $65,609 Salary group 3 max / Secondary untrained but qualified maximum
14 $68,980 Salary group 3+ max / Group 4 max / Group 5 maximum
作者: bigbear    时间: 2010-12-6 10:04:19


在看看 ...
suzisuzi 发表于 2010-12-5 22:23

作者: 假装多好    时间: 2010-12-6 13:57:11

作者: bestrose7    时间: 2012-4-14 15:01:55

作者: changzhou    时间: 2012-4-14 19:01:49

我觉的加0.5%看起来有点少,但是不能只看一年,现在老师的福利已经很好了,他们还经常罢工,非常的贪婪. 0.5%都多了.
作者: Jackpot    时间: 2012-4-14 19:25:31

政府 就是 忽悠。。。

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