进度,排版软件不错,基本排好了,也就10行代码,主要是把QQ, MSN 聊天记录以 (名字:内容) 为格式排
Bug1, GF发给我的Skykiwi 贴文乱码,我以为排版出杯具了。。。。
排版完毕,Using Google Translate Service 翻译,然后手动校队。。。
Getting first piece of translation done, thinking of multithread the application if google allows
finalizing parts, getting things translatedgoogle quote exceed:
[response status:403]Suspected Terms of Service Abuse. Please see http://code.google.com/apis/errors
Fianlize some translations, google translation is actually very good for short messages, about 70-80%
):天津没去过,听说过狗不理,hoho [EN]Neverbeen to Tianjin, butheard of a dog to ignore, hoho作者: John.G 时间: 2010-11-27 15:21:17