我剛剛在那邊, 也拍了照. 當然也掏出市政府名片, 咱是市政府管地產的, 也是工程師, 當然讓咱進
Skytower對面的建築物不穩, 可能倒塌, 正在維修的那個
花天堂 发表于 18/11/2010 20:16
我剛剛在那邊, 也拍了照. 當然也掏出市政府名片, 咱是市政府管地產的, 也是工程師, 當然讓咱進
Skytower對面的建築物不穩, 可能倒塌, 正在維修的那個
花天堂 发表于 2010-11-18 20:16
You have a new business card already? I understand the Auckland Council has decided to keep the ordering/printing of new business cards to a minimum at the moment because the massive relocation ...
陌生的香港人 发表于 2010-11-19 09:21
28# 花天堂
Haha, I m just curioius as you had sounded like you were directly involved in this incident and investigation - which does not appear to be really your area wor :)
You moved to 36 ...
陌生的香港人 发表于 2010-11-19 17:43
兄弟你疑問很多啊, 我的Auckland Counil的名片兩週前就拿到了, 另外兩週內拿新電話E5(老闆說可能幫我們爭取Blackberry)
我也沒有走入那房屋內看, 就是走入封鎖圈內了解情況, 跟老闆匯報一下, 確定不關咱單位的 ...
花天堂 发表于 2010-11-19 17:34
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