请问谁知道一个Architectural Technician 的年薪大约多少,主要工作就是 work for an architect who designs a building and then is to draw it to building standard , make it safe to live in and to comply with all the national or international building codes.
有没有懂行的啊~作者: 花天堂 时间: 2010-10-13 23:20:08
My friend graduated from Vic, only had 35k starting. Once he qualified, he quit job and became self-employed.. big bucks.. I guess apprenticeship always has a long way to go but hey, once you become qualified, you ask whatever you want.作者: 冰点水 时间: 2010-10-14 11:18:12
建筑制图员,才从这边2年diploma出来起薪大概在30k-40k间。做到intermediate大概在45k-65间。做到senior或cad manager大概在65k-90k间。如果是猎头公司帮你找的contract based technician时薪在$30/h起。btw,一切以本地,欧美经验说话,中国经验基本不用考虑。作者: ecocity 时间: 2010-10-14 21:10:16