
标题: 刚收到ANZ的电话和信 让我周四面试 求前辈传授经验! [打印本页]

作者: bill123    时间: 2010-9-27 19:27:31     标题: 刚收到ANZ的电话和信 让我周四面试 求前辈传授经验!

Our assessment centres bring you together with around 10 - 12 candidates who have also applied for the roles we have available. Please note: As discussed we are recruiting for more than one position, so you will be individually assessed, and are not 'competing' against each other.  

During the assessment centre, we will provide you with an overview of our business, and also around the Customer Service Consultant roles.  You will be provided with a quick tour of the environment, and then asked to participate in a number of different activities: Introductions with a partner, group exercise, a role play, written exercise and a computer assessment.  
Note: It is important that you actively participate fully in each exercise as you will assessed on each area, which will determine if you will be successful in obtaining an interview (which is the next stage of the process).

大致就是这些 搜了下洋人的经验谈 大致是说要什么take charge 争取在role play小组里抢到leadership

真的蛮想要这份工作的 有没有面过的前辈给点tips和经验谈?
作者: bill123    时间: 2010-9-27 19:28:20

忘了说了 职位是teller 也就是CSO
作者: 光芒    时间: 2010-9-27 19:36:24

同志,我也是收到NB的电话,发给我的EMAIL上,过程和时间和你一样,不会咱们是在一起Group assessment吧······
作者: 光芒    时间: 2010-9-27 19:41:31

我是星期四在  656  XXXXX XXXXX Road,Ground floor, XXXXXXX,你呢?
作者: 19801128    时间: 2010-9-27 21:18:00

楼主没有弄错?Customer Service Consultant 是在CALL CENTRE工作,待遇比cso好多了,就是这活,呵呵,英文要求高。
作者: Fibanocci    时间: 2010-9-27 21:52:26

不是Customer Service Representative?
作者: 红叶疯了    时间: 2010-9-27 21:55:40

我是national bank outbound的;就我所知anz inbound是在招人大概要25个左右
作者: bill123    时间: 2010-9-27 23:05:50

我是星期四在  656  XXXXX XXXXX Road,Ground floor, XXXXXXX,你呢?
光芒 发表于 2010-9-27 18:41

晕 一样啊 真巧
作者: 光芒    时间: 2010-9-28 18:57:12

晕 一样啊 真巧
bill123 发表于 2010-9-27 23:05

作者: AllAboutTheGame    时间: 2010-9-28 19:02:23

晕 一样啊 真巧
bill123 发表于 2010-9-27 23:05

作者: 阿轰    时间: 2010-9-28 21:41:00

是在伟大的南路把。 一年前去过group accessment,先和旁边的人聊,再和大家介绍对方。。然后还要分2组 做游戏。。再考一个笔试,写一篇小文章关于what is good customer service...的,最后role play ,和TL对练。。。
作者: 神羽ㄆ萢    时间: 2010-9-28 22:37:27

你們都是在網上做完幾百道題,再收到Assessment Centre Invitation的面試信的嗎,還是申請完直接就接到EMAIL了?
作者: moon    时间: 2010-9-29 11:03:40

我也是受到NB的电话,之前是说去做assessment ,但后来又来了个电话说是做面试。我好像是申请的是teller的工作。但是很多人都说他们都是内定的。我是周五的面试,有一起的朋友吗?祝大家好运把~~~

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