
标题: 请问谁在做 System/Network Administrator/Engineer [打印本页]

作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-8-30 13:07:14     标题: 请问谁在做 System/Network Administrator/Engineer

请问正在做System或Network 管理员/工程师的XDJM,只想参考一下,当初是拿着什么大学专业和电脑证书,通过什么途径拿到这份工的?

作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-8-30 16:13:37

Lucky-Strike 发表于 2010-8-30 12:07

I did E&E degree, couldn't find any job for 6 months after graduated, then i went and did a 3 months intensive MCSE training and found a job after that.

Lucky-Strike 发表于 2010-8-30 12:07

yes & yes. i got promoted after i have more experience, i did do quite a bit of exams and certification too in the early days.
作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-8-30 16:44:05

那你意思是说,你拿了MCSE以后就找到System Admin的工作了?换句话说,对于找工作,大学的那个Degree似乎更像是个踏脚石,而MCSE是个敲门砖?
作者: Zidane    时间: 2010-8-30 17:43:14

FULL TIME 不清楚啊, 但NZ这边Part Time的NETWORKING/OS方向的工作实在是太难找了,我是MCSE, 还有工作经验, 不过没人要.
作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-8-30 18:23:03

那你意思是说,你拿了MCSE以后就找到System Admin的工作了?换句话说,对于找工作,大学的那个Degree似乎更像是个踏脚石,而MCSE是个敲门砖?
Lucky-Strike 发表于 2010-8-30 15:44

That's just my personal experience long time ago. If you have a degree/diploma and at the same time are certified too, obviously your chance of getting shortlisted will be greater than your classmates. Getting IT certification does not guarantee you getting a job (there are lots of other factors that you need to take into account too, especially your ability to converse fluent english with others, luck etc). Main thing is to prepare yourself and actually KNOW your stuff (i.e. if you claim to know microsoft AD or linux or something, make sure you really mean it and can actually demonstrate your knowledge somehow. I have interviewed too many graduates that claimed they know everything on their CV and couldn't even answer my most basic question during interview).

You need to put yourself into a potential employer's shoe, and understand what sort of candidates they are looking for, and why they will / won't hire a fresh graduate like yourself.

Do let me know if you have anything more specific you would like to know, good luck.
作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-8-30 18:24:48

FULL TIME 不清楚啊, 但NZ这边Part Time的NETWORKING/OS方向的工作实在是太难找了,我是MCSE, 还有工作经验, 不过没人要.
Zidane 发表于 2010-8-30 16:43

It is understandable, majority of company will not hire a part timer / students as it can be harder to predict how productive you guys are, and it will also be harder to manage in terms of you guys' availability etc.
作者: Zidane    时间: 2010-8-30 22:43:04

It is understandable, majority of company will not hire a part timer / students as it can be harder to predict how productive you guys are, and it will also be harder to manage in terms of you guy ...
117wik 发表于 2010-8-30 17:24
作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-3 23:43:11

System/Network Admin/Engineer都潜水了.............

FULL TIME 不清楚啊, 但NZ这边Part Time的NETWORKING/OS方向的工作实在是太难找了,我是MCSE, 还有工作经验, 不过没人要.
Zidane 发表于 2010-8-30 16:43

作者: baikal    时间: 2010-9-4 00:46:34

作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-4 01:05:51

作者: 冰人    时间: 2010-9-4 02:14:17

找工作时的学历是BSC with Major in CS. 没有别的IT认证,第一份工作是desktop support, 做了两年变成system engineer. 感觉认证能读的话最好读,因为IT这个行业就是要不断学习,当然经验也很重要。system admin 和system engineer,感觉就是名字不一样吧。好像没分的那么细,谁比谁高级什么的,反正我们公司是没分,都叫system engineer。但engineer好像好听点,呵呵~~~~  

作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-11 23:02:03

作者: ybbest    时间: 2010-9-12 00:35:07

作者: taomibaobao    时间: 2010-9-12 18:53:27


作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-19 20:59:53

其实我觉得好像很多System Administrator工作要求的都是要MCSE,MCITP之类的证书,对大学学历要求好像反而没怎么提及。。。

路都是自己走出来的,别人的有借鉴性,不过更重要的是自己的努力。比如自己去学这些认证,考这些认证有很多种方法了,如果你自己好好学的话,考认证的收获还是很大的。如果你已经工作了,有的时候考认证的话可能是来 ...
ybbest 发表于 2010-9-11 23:35

作者: ID就是个符号    时间: 2010-9-19 21:09:53

其实我觉得好像很多System Administrator工作要求的都是要MCSE,MCITP之类的证书,对大学学历要求好像反而没怎么提及。。。

Lucky-Strike 发表于 2010/9/19 19:59


作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-19 21:16:03

关键是,我意思是,看招聘广告的多了,觉得要求Communication Skills和MCITP比大学学历还要重要的样子。。。换句话说,大学学历好像相比起来反而没什么意义。。。
作者: duncan_kai    时间: 2010-9-19 21:21:18

关键是,我意思是,看招聘广告的多了,觉得要求Communication Skills和MCITP比大学学历还要重要的样子。。。换句话说,大学学历好像相比起来反而没什么意义。。。
Lucky-Strike 发表于 2010-9-19 20:16

作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-19 21:54:59

我靠,你这说得,是说铁路工人学个IT证书就可以做Network Admin???
作者: d_tsai    时间: 2010-9-19 22:10:22

有些IT manager對技術一竅不通....很多他們的資訊都是道聽塗說來的...也間接造就了很多project failure.
作者: ybbest    时间: 2010-9-19 22:30:51

比方说,你大学硕士毕业了,让你去设计一个AD forest,让你架一个 exchang server 2010 的服务器,让你建一个 windows 7 image ,让你deploy一个 asp.net app under IIS in a load balanced environment.拿到了文凭仅仅是学会了或者证明了你有这个基础的知识,真正的工作经验才是王道。这里的雇主看重的是你现在的能力,而不像国内看重的是你4年之前考大学的分数。我认识几个国内的朋友,被拒都是因为大学必须是211工程。。而且必须本科的时候也是。
作者: 冰人    时间: 2010-9-19 22:48:28

关键是,我意思是,看招聘广告的多了,觉得要求Communication Skills和MCITP比大学学历还要重要的样子。。。换句话说,大学学历好像相比起来反而没什么意义。。。
Lucky-Strike 发表于 2010-9-19 20:16

这个我感觉是这样的。system/network admin的工作内容和大学学的内容几乎是风马牛不相及。尤其是system admin, 工作内容都是些微软认证教的那些东西~~~
作者: 冰人    时间: 2010-9-19 22:49:31


taomibaobao 发表于 2010-9-12 17:53

作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-9-19 23:19:45

IT 的薪水應該都很高吧
作者: duncan_kai    时间: 2010-9-20 00:18:55

我靠,你这说得,是说铁路工人学个IT证书就可以做Network Admin???
Lucky-Strike 发表于 2010-9-19 20:54

作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-21 23:50:57


比方说,你大 ...
ybbest 发表于 2010-9-19 21:30

作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-21 23:51:45


那个铁路工人没有任何IT证书,据说在面试的时候很不错,讲了讲维护铁路跟做IT项目管理的相似处,领导听得欢心,直接招进来坐IT类的项目经理.进来后没有技术没有关系,只要能请教和推动懂技术的员工就行了....... ...
duncan_kai 发表于 2010-9-19 23:18

作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-9-22 09:00:56

Lucky-Strike 发表于 2010-9-21 22:50

Lucky-Strike, if you are serious about getting in to this industry, do everything you can to best prepare yourself before you grad. If you think that you are one of those with lots of potential, prove it.  A lot of us have given you enough pointers to get the ball rolling, it's just the matter of whether you are willing to put effort into it or not.

Let's face it, if you are looking for a helpdesk/service desk type role after you graduate, all people care about is basic IT understanding, good customer handling skill, and good english, no one is going to care too much whether you do know how to fix a printer or upgrade a server on day one or not. Everyone has to start somewhere, know what position suits a graduate the best and make sure your own condition matches what most employers look for, and then all that's left is luck to hit you.

PM me if you still have anything else you would like to clarify, and good luck.
作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-9-22 09:04:59

Lucky-Strike 发表于 2010-9-21 22:51

Do not under-estimate the ability to talk yourself up and also to convince people whatever message you are trying to get through.to others. It's one of those soft skill that will really get you somewhere within a corporate environment and no school will ever teach you those.

Having these soft skills will get you further than being super technical and have absolutely no people skill at all.
作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-9-22 09:07:02

IT 的薪水應該都很高吧
陌生的香港人 发表于 2010-9-19 22:19

Depends on what your definition of HIGH is. Everything is in perspective right? (e.g we earn as much as a doctor (GP), we earn more than some accountants, we earn less than most lawyers, we earn less than all dentists).

Does that help? :)
作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-22 14:12:09


Lucky-Strike, if you are serious about getting in to this industry, do everything you can to best prepare yourself before you grad. If you think that you are one of those with lots of potential, p ...
117wik 发表于 2010-9-22 08:00

作者: Lucky-Strike    时间: 2010-9-22 14:13:19

估计这个Soft Skills是个问题啊,想学也很难学到,而且英文或多或少也是个障碍,唉.........

Do not under-estimate the ability to talk yourself up and also to convince people whatever message you are trying to get through.to others. It's one of those soft skill that will really get you so ...
117wik 发表于 2010-9-22 08:04

作者: csergod    时间: 2010-9-22 18:03:20

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作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-9-22 19:29:26

文凭是必备的, 还应该经验最重要吧, 证书就是自我提升和要求涨工资的时候用的吧, 证书有就应该比没有强.
还有就是英语沟通很重要, 还有就是要有一些运气咯.
顺便问句, 现在奥克兰这种工作好找不? 工资一般都多少?  ...
csergod 发表于 2010-9-22 17:03

refer to http://nz.hudson.com/documents/EmpNz_SalaryGuide_ICT.pdf or http://www.robertwalters.com/res ... ary_Survey_2010.pdf for references.
作者: csergod    时间: 2010-9-22 22:30:28

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作者: Zidane    时间: 2010-9-23 01:13:59

比方说,你大 ...
ybbest 发表于 2010-9-19 21:30
我感觉上学认真学了, 而且对计算机感兴趣, 以上说的那些知识都应该CLEAR的.
MICROSOFT的可以用VM模拟, CISCO可以用PT模拟, 不能说全一样吧,但至少90%MATCHING. 至于新的技术可以去官网学习.拿MICROSOFT来说吧, 都有180DAYS的试用版, 唯一需要的可能就是64BIT的OS(EX2010,TMG 和WIN2K8 R2D等等)
认证方面, 考了起码就在复习的过程中实践了. 暂且不提能不能找到工作, 起码算是对自己的一种肯定把.

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