
标题: 各位IT行业的同仁, 是否有打算考ITIL v3 Foundation的? [打印本页]

作者: pipi008    时间: 2010-8-29 00:03:36     标题: 各位IT行业的同仁, 是否有打算考ITIL v3 Foundation的?

不知道有没有其他朋友像我一样打算考ITIL v3 Foundation? 有的话请和我联系, 如果三个人以上报名可以节省33%;biggrin;   九月底三天的培训加考试大约$1,200+GST左右就够了

一般参加ITIL training都不是出自己的钱,但便宜一些也更容易获得批准. 如果今年能完成Foundation Level, 希望明年能一起继续努力到Intermediate Level
作者: 你是我的天使    时间: 2010-8-29 02:07:33

请问这是啥 ????????
作者: 西风狂野    时间: 2010-8-30 13:23:02

作者: woogx    时间: 2010-8-30 13:49:10

ITIL = Information Technology Infrastructure Library
It is about managing your IT service to achieve business goal. 1200 + GST is quite cheap.
作者: d_tsai    时间: 2010-8-30 17:47:03

ITIL比較著重operation management.
作者: Zidane    时间: 2010-8-30 17:54:58

作者: asdf123    时间: 2010-8-30 23:04:22

ITIL V3如果你工作的环境不分Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 support,基本上学了用处不大。到目前为止,真正能符合的call management system也只有remedy。NZ有几个公司用呢?所以,如果工作的时候没有这个环境,单独去上课,考证书用处不大。这也就是为什么,一般大家都不会自己掏钱去考啊。
作者: pipi008    时间: 2010-8-30 23:07:47

请问这是啥 ????????
你是我的天使 发表于 2010-8-29 01:07

ITIL是关于IT服务管理的框架, Ver 3包括了 服务战略,服务设计, 服务转换, 服务运营 和服务持续改进几个模块。

这不是一个技术类的认证, 内容主要是以IT管理的最佳实践为主。我觉得会对将来回国工作有帮助。
作者: pipi008    时间: 2010-8-30 23:13:33

Zidane 发表于 2010-8-30 16:54

MCP和COMP+是属于技术类的认证, ITIL是以IT服务管理为核心的。

一般说来大部分的时候学习ITIL是为了更好的去管理那些有MCP或者COMP+的IT geeks;tongue;
作者: pipi008    时间: 2010-8-30 23:33:34

ITIL = Information Technology Infrastructure Library
It is about managing your IT service to achieve business goal. 1200 + GST is quite cheap.
woogx 发表于 2010-8-30 12:49

作者: woogx    时间: 2010-8-31 13:09:03

ITIL比較著重operation management.
d_tsai 发表于 2010-8-30 16:47

No, ITIL Version 3 covers every aspects of the service management. Operational management is almost the last stage of the service management. What you just described is more aligned with ITIL Version 2.
作者: woogx    时间: 2010-8-31 13:12:42

ITIL V3如果你工作的环境不分Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 support,基本上学了用处不大。到目前为止,真正能符合的call management system也只有remedy。NZ有几个公司用呢?所以,如果工作的时候没有这个环境,单独去 ...
asdf123 发表于 2010-8-30 22:04

Remedy is just one. There are several of those. Both HP (used to be known as EDS) and Telecom/Gen-i has swapped to HPSC. Who says ITIL Ver 3 can be only used if the organisation has hierarchy levels? ITIL is about implememting complete service management across your IT system to align and achieve your business goals. Although people like to IT it, you will find it can be adopted to many other fields, too. It is about service management.
作者: woogx    时间: 2010-8-31 13:19:23

MCP和COMP+是属于技术类的认证, ITIL是以IT服务管理为核心的。

一般说来大部分的时候学习ITIL是为了更好的去管理那些有MCP或者COMP+的IT geeks;tongue;
pipi008 发表于 2010-8-30 22:13

It depends on what you want to do.

MCP & Comp+ will get you to be a tech first. Usually, we referred those people as cow boys, doing things their own way. ITIL will teach you how to look at things in a much greater scope. Mostly, people with ITIL certification will be in charge of bunch of cow boys just to make sure things are running with no surprises.
作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-8-31 14:36:52

It depends on what you want to do.

MCP & Comp+ will get you to be a tech first. Usually, we referred those people as cow boys, doing things their own way. ITIL will teach you how to look at thi ...
woogx 发表于 2010-8-31 12:19

cowboy = me. I have been working in IT for 10+ years, been working in operation majority of my time, and i am still not ITIL certified yet. :)
作者: woogx    时间: 2010-8-31 16:17:37

cowboy = me. I have been working in IT for 10+ years, been working in operation majority of my time, and i am still not ITIL certified yet. :)
117wik 发表于 2010-8-31 13:36

Bet that your internal process regulates your actions, otherwise, your SDMs or Change Managers will be on your ass most of the time.
作者: woogx    时间: 2010-8-31 16:21:00

Look, I may have spoken in a wrong tone here. ITIL process manager should work closely with the tech gurus. Without either party, nothing will work properly. The best of all, having both. You will understand the technical terminology in case someone bullshits you. In the same time, you can use ITIL to manage your communication and actions internally or externally to achieve the best outcome for the business. That is what I call a Win-Win situation.
作者: 寳貝児妖    时间: 2010-8-31 18:06:34

可是我问了国内一个做IT工作的朋友 他说现在只是国内广告做的响罢了
而且我查了下 国内考试只要1500RMB  如果加3天的课程套餐价 4000元不到
作者: woogx    时间: 2010-8-31 21:49:58

作者: 好事之徒    时间: 2010-8-31 21:53:27

Bet that your internal process regulates your actions, otherwise, your SDMs or Change Managers will be on your ass most of the time.
woogx 发表于 2010-8-31 15:17
let me help put this into context 吧
上面那位117wik 大哥可是telecom 的operations manager ...
作者: love_3_month    时间: 2010-8-31 22:32:50

cowboy = me. I have been working in IT for 10+ years, been working in operation majority of my time, and i am still not ITIL certified yet. :)
117wik 发表于 2010-8-31 13:36

作者: pipi008    时间: 2010-9-1 00:31:22

cowboy = me. I have been working in IT for 10+ years, been working in operation majority of my time, and i am still not ITIL certified yet. :)
117wik 发表于 2010-8-31 13:36

怪不得我常常看到Gen-i内部举办"How to quickly recover from failed projects" workshop.;smile;   

开玩笑啦,像我们这些做Corporate IT的,能外包的都外包出去了,剩下的核心价值和竞争优势通常都不是很technical的东西。
作者: pipi008    时间: 2010-9-1 00:46:31

可是我问了国内一个做IT工作的朋友 他说现在只是国内广告做的响罢了
而且我查了下 国内考试只要1500RMB  如果加3天的课程套餐价 4000元不到
寳貝児妖 发表于 2010-8-31 17:06


我看到6月份的“IT经理世界”杂志上“高级职业经理人俱乐部”“上海信息化培训中心SITC - IT管理领导者国际认证培训” “ITIL3 Foundation 国际认证IT服务生命周期管理(含认证考试)” 会员价RMB7581元 (热线手机:15902158580(我帮我帮您))

我还想终于在这里找到有比国内便宜的东西了。 唉,看来中国市场大,竞争是激烈。
作者: pipi008    时间: 2010-9-1 01:04:07

Look, I may have spoken in a wrong tone here. ITIL process manager should work closely with the tech gurus. Without either party, nothing will work properly. The best of all, having both. You will und ...
woogx 发表于 2010-8-31 15:21


我学ITIL一方面是想更好的管理和提升我们的外包服务,建立和service provider的一种“common language", 另外就是能更好的实现Business-IT alignment.

作者: woogx    时间: 2010-9-1 01:51:58


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