Consular & Visa Section, Embassy of Japan
Majestic Centre, 100 Willis St
P O Box 6340, Wellington
Ph (04) 473-1540/ Fax (04) 473-9559
(Office Hours 9:00 – 16:30)
Please provide the following items when you lodge your application.
Further information/ additional items may be required
1. Passport and visa application form with one recent photo (45x35mm) attached
2. Letter stating reason for your visit to Japan
3. Flight schedule
4. Proposed itinerary in Japan, including accommodation
5. Bank statement
6. Visa fee NZ$ 48 .00 (Cash or Bank cheque made out to “Embassy of Japan”, payable when visa is issued)
7. Self-addressed, pre-paid return courier envelope if you wish to have your passport returned to you by mail.作者: DevilBb 时间: 2010-8-22 23:07:06