
标题: 在读和已读过MBA的XDJM进来下 [打印本页]

作者: saintjohn    时间: 2010-7-14 18:41:50     标题: 在读和已读过MBA的XDJM进来下

想part time的读个MBA,
AUT据说我只要有三年工作经验 + 我的学历就可以,

作者: SAMTV    时间: 2010-7-14 19:03:18

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作者: 光芒    时间: 2010-7-14 19:35:10

PS  出证明的公司是她家自己开的。
作者: saintjohn    时间: 2010-7-14 23:08:51

作者: saintjohn    时间: 2010-7-14 23:09:17

PS  出证明的公司是她家自己开的。
光芒 发表于 2010-7-14 18:35

作者: 小盐粒    时间: 2010-7-14 23:41:47

作者: freebird    时间: 2010-7-15 00:36:19

估计有一些读MBA 的人,是定向培养的。既然这样,一般会去那些排名还不错的学校。所以,不建议去ais。
作者: 武夫的眉笔    时间: 2010-7-15 00:41:21

AIS的MBA名声是不是不太好。怎么很多帖子的人谈到AIS的MBA口气都很怪怪的?saintjohn 发表于 2010-7-14 22:09

作者: 再见流星雨    时间: 2010-7-17 20:25:36

作者: pAtrick    时间: 2010-7-17 20:29:24


作者: zpewei    时间: 2010-7-17 20:37:47

如果是自己开公司什么的ais应该ok,但是如果是为了给学历镀金,你没管理经验别人怎么请你啊。还要高薪,我有朋友就是ais读出来grade还不错,可是在这找不到工作结果又回去读accounting 的bachelor了
作者: 武夫的眉笔    时间: 2010-7-17 20:51:09

本帖最后由 武夫的眉笔 于 2010-7-17 19:54 编辑
如果是自己开公司什么的ais应该ok,但是如果是为了给学历镀金,你没管理经验别人怎么请你啊。还要高薪,我有朋友就是ais读出来grade还不错,可是在这找不到工作结果又回去读accounting 的bachelor了
zpewei 发表于 2010-7-17 19:37

作者: freebird    时间: 2010-7-17 20:52:53

作者: saintjohn    时间: 2010-7-18 18:37:11


主要是想以后去澳洲或者美国以后,学历上有一个不是本专业的Master证书 总比现在单单的一个Bachelor要好。


那如果这么说,只有AUT 和 梅西可以选咯?
作者: 武夫的眉笔    时间: 2010-7-18 19:00:16


主要是想以后去澳洲或者美国以后,学历上有一个不是本专业的Master证书 总比现在单单的一个Bachelor要好。

经验肯定会在这几年工作的时候攒拉。本来也没打算 ...
saintjohn 发表于 2010-7-18 17:37

作者: freebird    时间: 2010-7-18 21:22:34


主要是想以后去澳洲或者美国以后,学历上有一个不是本专业的Master证书 总比现在单单的一个Bachelor要好。

经验肯定会在这几年工作的时候攒拉。本来也没打算 ...
saintjohn 发表于 2010-7-18 17:37

作者: 妖精的指尖    时间: 2010-7-18 21:32:47

作者: dino8ielts    时间: 2010-7-18 23:03:41

实话实说 以前读这玩意的大多是老板或高层啥都不缺就缺个文凭 说白了就是个镀金文凭 15楼的同学说的对 管理能力如何1个短短的interview就能看出 根本不用看学历啥的 洋人很务实 他们觉得自身能力比学历有用 没有实际经验读完出来一样狗屁不是 mba的光环n年前就褪却了 仅供参考
作者: hotemail    时间: 2010-7-18 23:27:29

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作者: freebird    时间: 2010-7-19 17:22:37

Contemporary Strategy
Accounting I
The Massey MBA has two parts: Part A and B

Part A- Leadership and People
Business Law & Ethics
Economics - Applied and International
Business Finance
Operations and Logistics
Part B -Applied Business Research
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Change Management
Strategic Management
作者: messenger    时间: 2010-7-20 14:26:21

Go for UoA or at least AUT. Year 1: Postgraduate Diploma in BA (if you don't have enough work experience) 8 papers when I did it. (was quite cheap. approx. $7900 altogether. Not sure of the fees now) ***If you get a minimum average B+ (ideally A-) you will be invited to proceed to the second phase - year 2 *** Year 2: Master programme (8 papers as well but at almost three times the cost of year 1. Now approx. $22k plus overseas workshop at approx. another $5k). I didn't proceed with year 2 simply because I couldn't afford it. I don't feel like borrowing money from Study Link somehow. The above fees apply to OZ, NZ citizens and permanent residents only. International students pay much higher rates. Hard to say if it is worth the time and money. I know of an Indian dude who graduated from AUT MBA programme and eventually became a Black Belt consultant in 6 sigmas anslysis, now traveling the world like going to and from work every day. Before that, he had been an Admin Team Leader, x Bank Lending Team Leader, Bank Manager etc. All depends what you need and what you have under your belt. My classmates at UOA at the time were mostly from top NZ companies and most of them were mid to executive managers. I was just a cadet of a public listed company. Frankly the PGdip hasn't got much to do with my promotion later on as I am still working at a low level of the hiarachy. It can take time to move your way up the ladder. MBA qualification definitely works for you when you at least become a mid level manager (paying 80k plus) and look for opportunities to join the executive team. From my observation, we HUA REN tend to achieve a lot more in more specialised areas like IT, medicals, engineering etc than in general administration roles. Top talents can be very successful in areas like finance or strategic consulting industries. Long way to go for me.
作者: freebird    时间: 2010-7-20 15:37:21

From my observation, we HUA REN tend to achieve a lot more in more specialised areas like IT, medicals, engineering etc than in general administration roles. Top talents can be very successful in areas like finance or strategic consulting industries. Long way to go for me

LS, You are quite right. MBA is more popular in China. If you plan to work in china, MBA and Certain overseas work experience would be very helpful for the new career.
作者: freebird    时间: 2010-7-20 15:38:05

From my observation, we HUA REN tend to achieve a lot more in more specialised areas like IT, medicals, engineering etc than in general administration roles. Top talents can be very successful in areas like finance or strategic consulting industries. Long way to go for me

LS, You are quite right. MBA is more popular in China. If you plan to work in china, MBA and Certain overseas work experience would be very helpful for the new career.
作者: 无过    时间: 2010-7-20 16:00:57

说实话 。。。非常不喜欢AIS的MBA课程,都是些什么玩意啊.身边AIS毕业的太多了,至少没有几个真正找到工作的,现在都是混在中国人的小公司.

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