michaeljsavage says: July 7, 2010 at 10:41 am
I am a dedicated socialist – with a mix of keynsian economics and Fabianism thrown in the pot. I dont think China is a socialist state – its a totalitarian homicidal regime.
What I think about Huas post – is the following …
- Raymond Huo and all the chinese commenters here (and for many its obvious – they cant write in english for a start) should – if they believe in one china and admire it so much .. go back to this shangri la of a country – live there – dont live here telling kiwis what they should think and believe. Ever thought of “one new zealand” … what if we started behaving as china does – heavy handed, homicidal and imperialist in action, word and policy
- Tibet was an independant nation – the chinese invaded and were clearly in the wrong
- The tibetan system was not perfect – but this blatant revisionism by a Government and its supporters – of history – is unforgivable
- I support Russel Norman in his actions – just like Pete Bethune it took real courage in the face of certain ’societies’ that have a view that the “nail sticking up – must be hammered down”
To the chinese living here in godzone – people born here in the past fought and died for our ideal of freedom. If you believe that china is so good – that one china is so good – then you collect your passport and please leave our country. We dont need you.
China as our largest trading partner – pah! – id rather live in a mud hut and wear a grass skirt and close our borders than bend over to a bullying, xenophobic, middle-kingdomed mentality like China and its supporters.
China is a timebomb for this world – just waiting to go off.作者: mainlanders 时间: 2010-7-7 16:24:49