
标题: 政府/咨询公司工作情况探究 [打印本页]

作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 00:28:57     标题: 政府/咨询公司工作情况探究

粗略看了一下版内的贴子, 好像没有一篇讲到在新西兰政府工作的情况的.因为专业的原因, 我很想知道在这边相关政府部门工作, 待遇, 工作氛围, 升迁机会如何?
这里所指的政府部门包括ARC, department of conservation, ministry for the environment, NIWA (如果真有中国人在此工作, 我将万分感激你们的评论!!), etc...

还有就是环境咨询公司或工程公司, 他们都有做治理环境或环境评估, 像是BECA, PDP, ERM 和SKM等等, 不知道是否有人参与过这些项目呢? 如果有, 请分享一下经验吧~~

我现在处于选择职业方向的阶段, 所以希望对这些行业有多些了解. 谢谢各位帮助了.

噢, 补充一下, 我学的是气候科学, 环境科学, 卫星遥感, 地理信息系统,还有一些关于空气质素的课题.

作者: 花天堂    时间: 2010-7-2 00:33:40


如果你社交夠強能力夠強, 不是沒有升遷的機會,

Reference: 自己
作者: 寒冰    时间: 2010-7-2 00:38:31

LZ 和我学的一样,你是技术,我是偏理论。。。
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 00:47:47

3# 寒冰 哪位同学啊?? 现身吧哈哈
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 01:16:55

4# lavender3922

看来不是我的同学噢...请问你在哪读呢? 学的哪些理论呀?
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-7-2 11:21:25

本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2010-7-2 10:27 编辑

"气候科学, 环境科学, 卫星遥感, 地理信息系统,还有一些关于空气质素的课题."

I think you need to first ask yourself: do you want to be an environmental scientist or a GIS analyst - these are different types of jobs.

Re Environmental Sicence/Air Quality - these are much more specialised and yeah, you are right, the ARC is where you should go as local councils do not look after this matter. GIS appears to be better with more opportunities in consultants and councils.

However, ARC will be distablished and become Auckland Council with 7 other local councils in Nov - it is not even sure whether there will be redundancies for the existing job holders and all Councils have stopped recruting people now - so it is not a good time if you graduate shortly and aim there.

Re prospect of  promotion - I think a Chinese maybe promoted up to a Senior level if he/she has the skills. Your salary should not be too bad but don't think there are too many managerial opportunities unless you have a very good networking/socialising skill - this is the aspect that most Chinese migrants seem to dont have unfortunately, especially in the technical fields....
作者: 无过    时间: 2010-7-2 12:08:35

我们部门做Environmental Health Protection的~~~有点相关
作者: alanz    时间: 2010-7-2 13:56:32

我在市政府做IT的. 我认识很多中国人在政府做IT. 福利很好, 病假是不限天数的. 我们的Training 很多, 只要愿意去. Salary 跟外面公司差不多, 我收入比前一个工作要高, 但是也不能称为高薪. 但是很难往上爬, 因为语言和文化关系. 这次市政府合并, 我们IT部门职位还填不满, 可能还要再招人. 所以要是有同学有兴趣这可是个好机会啊.
作者: be-happy    时间: 2010-7-2 14:27:48

作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-7-2 14:36:53

I think GIS is not exactly the same as the typical  "IT" ?
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-7-2 14:38:21

It sounds there are a few people here working for councils (in Auckland?) - you guys settle under the ATA process if you are yet ?
作者: 萨米    时间: 2010-7-2 15:57:45

I applied the position in NIWA, but failed.....

But in Plant and Food Research, there is a climate monitor centre and environmental research team.
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 15:58:31

6# 陌生的香港人 thanks for your advice. i think i prefer to work as environmental consultant indeed. govt job is mostly back-up choice for me...
since recently there have been a few international env consultancy companies established in China, i think that is the link where i can have some work experience here and then transfer to chinese office...ideally...
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 15:59:48

7# 无过

哪个政府部门啊?? ministry of health??
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 16:00:57

8# alanz

可是..可是我对IT一窍不通的...政府已经合并了吗?? 我也听说政府合并会有新增工作机会呢~~
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 16:02:56

12# 萨米

你去NIWA申请什么工作呢?? 我看他们要求至少是要MASTER以上的对吧??
噢, 那个plant and food research倒是可以去申请试试~~
作者: 萨米    时间: 2010-7-2 16:09:31

12# 萨米

你去NIWA申请什么工作呢?? 我看他们要求至少是要MASTER以上的对吧??
噢, 那个plant and food research倒是可以去申请试试~~
lavender3922 发表于 2010-7-2 15:02

It's good to have higher degree in R & D sector.

I applied for the fisheries stock assessment analyst position, but certainly I failed.

Now I work as the statistician in Plant and Food.

All these CRIs are commercialized, but i think  NIWA is the most commercialized one, maybe gives highest pay.
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 16:14:24

17# 萨米 噢~统计也挺好的, 非常有用~~可惜我在软件应用那方面实在差了点, R还处于入门阶段....

作者: 萨米    时间: 2010-7-2 16:17:36

OK, my friend works as stock assessment analyst for nearly 5 yrs started with MSc have more than 60k+ p.a. But with such experience in AU, the pay should be 100k+AUD p.a.

also, if you do offshore work you have huge compensation.

Maybe statisticians have higher pay
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 16:23:07

19# 萨米

是的, 我那天在奥大统计DEPARTMENT看到一个广告, 说'every graduate wants to be
statistian' 还举例说美国学统计的年薪10万美元!!! 我是否应该转学科啊哈哈...

作者: 腿毛菲菲    时间: 2010-7-2 16:27:50

我在市政府做IT的. 我认识很多中国人在政府做IT. 福利很好, 病假是不限天数的. 我们的Training 很多, 只要愿意去. Salary 跟外面公司差不多, 我收入比前一个工作要高, 但是也不能称为高薪. 但是很难往上爬, 因为语言 ...
alanz 发表于 2010-7-2 12:56

作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-7-2 17:20:38

本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2010-7-2 16:26 编辑

15# lavender3922

The change is about the change to local governance in Auckland - if you are not interested in council's jobs then probably you dont need to worry about it.

However, with only ONE council, environmental consultants will be also affected as in the past they can still survive even if they cant get along with, say, Auckland City Council, they can still get business with North Shore City or Waitakere City Council, etc....  But under the new one council system, if a consultant does not do well with the new council/Council Controlled Organisations - this simply means it cannot survive here and will be out of business in Auckland na....

Remember, the largest client for environmental consultants is local councils.
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 17:29:17

22# 陌生的香港人 true true~~do you work in any of these sectors?
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-7-2 17:36:38

I work in council with town planning background - our profession talks about environment all the times but dont really know anything about it other than District Plans and the RMA, hahaha....
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 17:43:33

24# 陌生的香港人 so their focus is on the legislation side of thing, a bit different from what i expected. maybe a background from environmental management is more suitable for the council work. to be honest i hate RMA and the term 'sustainable development'...very vague and ambiguous terms....
i though it would be technical and involve many physical/ chemical things... not at all?
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-7-2 17:49:02

本帖最后由 陌生的香港人 于 2010-7-2 16:54 编辑

Yeah, I hate RMA too but this is something you should know as an environmental consultant in NZ....

I dont know about environmental consultants but even in ARC, I wonder if they have lab or anything likes that -  but they do have positions for air/water specialists or something similar so I guess they also heavily use consultants to do works for them.  

However, in terms of GIS, basically all councils have ArcView or some sort of GIS softwares because they must provide this info to clients (for example, when you purchase property, the LIM report should have an aerial photo of that property - this is something to be provided by the GIS people) and do the mappings for councils' projects.
作者: lavender3922    时间: 2010-7-2 17:53:46

26# 陌生的香港人 哈, 我嘛...好像喜欢在气候那方面比较多, 空气质素还有全球环境气候变化我学习得比较深入. GIS我也会, 但是因为我不喜欢对着电脑, 也不想做技术人员(technician),所以不太想做.

上个月做了一个GIS, 一个REMOTE SENSING的mini project, 就是因为对电脑太多, 现在腰酸背痛...还是希望能有机会去户外亲自收集数据!!
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-7-2 17:57:20

OIC - then probably u should find a job in Met Services if your interest is more in climate/weather ?:)

However, it is hard to get into......I guess

Anyway, all the best luck for your job search na:)
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2010-7-2 21:04:45

香港兄你job mapping給自己申請了多少份工作? 我目前為止已經申請20個了
作者: anyway_ben    时间: 2010-7-2 23:09:24

sounds like 花天堂 is tier 5 or above and in change :-)
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2010-7-2 23:23:10

sounds like 花天堂 is tier 5 or above and in change :-)
anyway_ben 发表于 2010-7-2 22:09

從來不管什麼tier 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 =.=
作者: skyvivi    时间: 2010-7-5 15:35:04

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: be-happy    时间: 2010-7-5 17:02:03

作者: alanz    时间: 2010-7-5 22:42:34

trademe 上专门有政府工这一类别.
作者: 玫瑰无心    时间: 2010-7-5 23:09:36

1# lavender3922

http://www.futureintech.org.nz/careers.cfm?categoryID=14 看下罗。。在nz大公司的young engerineer, scientists and etc的profile都再里面。。我做了ambassedor 才知道的,哈哈,里面有些beca的人, 我们都去高中小学给他们做career talk。。。。都是讲自己怎么进入自己的行业的。。还有starting salary range。。。
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-7-5 23:39:40

29# 花天堂

Not as many as u, approx 10 ba, but could be either in Auckland Council or a CCO....

Where do you think you will work? Manukau? CBD? Takapuna? :)
作者: 陌生的香港人    时间: 2010-7-5 23:43:09

32# skyvivi

Just click on the dept you want to work for vacancies and apply accordingly - this is what I did when I just graduated X years ago.....
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2010-7-6 00:05:34

29# 花天堂  

Not as many as u, approx 10 ba, but could be either in Auckland Council or a CCO....

Where do you think you will work? Manukau? CBD? Takapuna? :)
陌生的香港人 发表于 2010-7-5 22:39

60% City
35% Henderson
5% Manukau

the new salary band are out, A to L. 12 levels, band A is 26k starting and band L is like 140k starting...

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