我在trademe上买了一辆车,但是车是洋人车行放在trademe上的。所以我的买车手续包括买车合同都是跟车行签的。同时我在车行也买了2年的机械保险(auto sure)
我买车两个星期后发现波箱油漏油,发动机也漏油。我找autosure索赔,但是保险公司判断我车的这些问题是以前就有的(not covered by Autosure warranty as they were pre-existing to pirchase of vehicle),就是买保险之前就有所以他们不保。 然后我找回车行,因为我才买了不到3个星期,我知道如果在车行买车应该有个保障期。 但是车行说因为他们在trademe上卖车的时候是$1.0reserve, 所以他们不负任何责任.
Nothing in this Act shall apply in any case where goods or services are supplied otherwise than in trade.
Nothing in this Act shall give any person a right of redress against a charitable organisation in any case where goods or services are supplied by the charitable organisation for the principal purpose of benefiting the person to whom the supply is made.
Nothing in this Act shall apply in cases where goods are supplied—