1.scholarship, ask the department and supervisors, they could possibly seek for some for you.
2.tutorship, the department may have some positions作者: duncan_kai 时间: 2010-5-28 12:57:24
這麼說從前花太還能跟顧問公司合作 and charge them $50 per hour, 那是她能力很強了作者: 花天堂 时间: 2010-5-29 21:30:20
怎麼會回了兩次?作者: anyway_ben 时间: 2010-5-29 22:21:52
Auckland Uni (also according to your GPA, faculty)
Scholarship (tax free): 18000 - 32000 (ave 25000/year)
Press account (research fund, money you can't take home though :-)) 5000/year
You are able to apply multiple scholarships up to 32000/year and also keep in mind, they aren't taxable .....作者: 武夫的眉笔 时间: 2010-5-29 23:03:23