powershop , you need to check if you are in the right area
not for all districts
MaxPower 发表于 2010-5-27 14:05
越来越乱了:dizzy: 刚打了电话过去问powershop 可以用,而且流程简单的又点叫人害怕,太儿戏了吧。网上申请一个帐号就完事了。
之前给mercury打电话,说要150磅金,如果我家在租进去之前被切了电,还 ...
阿∮ 发表于 2010-5-27 16:29
我的电表也是smart meter(Meridian装的)
plot 发表于 2010-5-27 16:30
我今年年初就换成POWER SHOP了,很方便,而且经常有打折的电,平时的电价钱也还可以,也没有像其他公司的DAILY CHARGE,而且自动把我的电换成晚上和白天还有周末,一共3个读数,基本每天他们会读(自己家要是SAMRT M ...
sunmarty 发表于 2010-5-27 14:59
越来越乱了:dizzy: 刚打了电话过去问powershop 可以用,而且流程简单的又点叫人害怕,太儿戏了吧。网上申请一个帐号就完事了。
之前给mercury打电话,说要150磅金,如果我家在租进去之前被切了电,还 ...
阿∮ 发表于 2010-5-27 16:29
MaxPower 发表于 2010-5-28 21:13
啊, 多谢了, 我家的是白色的, 有个小红灯衫着, 那就是说和大家的都一样都是新的SMART METER,
那为什么我LOGIN 后显示的PRODUCT都那么贵, 而且没有你们 说的3个切换的读数, 是要申请吗, 该怎么说呢?,
麻烦 再多告 ...
春天 发表于 2010-5-29 10:06
POWERSHOP真的好用,一开始可能不太明白怎么回事,因为大家一直都是看帐单给钱,从来没管那么多,但是POWER SHOP是完全你自己控制,比如他们会显示你每天用了多少电,那很方便,如果用多了电,自己想想都用哪了,以后 ...
sunmarty 发表于 2010-6-30 11:17 PM
我今年年初就换成POWER SHOP了,很方便,而且经常有打折的电,平时的电价钱也还可以,也没有像其他公司的DAILY CHARGE,而且自动把我的电换成晚上和白天还有周末,一共3个读数,基本每天他们会读(自己家要是SAMRT M ...
sunmarty 发表于 2010-5-27 14:59
;cry; ,我家用的maridian, 白天26c, 11点以后到早上7点是11C,不过觉得还行吧, 请问要是想换Power shop,应该怎么做呢。。谢谢谢谢!
recoco0910 发表于 2010-7-13 12:25 PM
但是,我觉得要看LZ的用电的主要规律是什么了,还有你们家的电表是不是day-night的,还是就一个电表,或者是其他款式的。我略微在网上做了下research,你们那些爱挑人 ...
小寶兒 发表于 2010-8-13 12:03 AM
白天20.45晚上9.88daily fixed 33.33
因为地震,他还减了23天的daily fixed charge
远逝的流沙 发表于 2010-10-14 05:33 PM
白天20.45晚上9.88daily fixed 33.33
因为地震,他还减了23天的daily fixed charge
远逝的流沙 发表于 2010-10-14 17:33
我前两天也想从Mecury换到Genesis,可是突然发现Day/night plan
Mecury 是9PM开始算晚上,
UV15 发表于 2010-11-21 18:34
用的是Mercury Energy, 刚改的, 员工上门做的special promotion, $50 free Credit, 100% NZ Own company.
low user plan: daily fixed charge 33.33 cents/day, daily usage char ...
thinktwice 发表于 2010-5-27 23:51
Day/Night (uncontrolled) - These rates are for customers who use an above-average amount of electricity at nigh ...
UV15 发表于 2010-11-21 20:13
not really, Genesis night price covers from 9pm - 7am, if you don't believe it, might call them to find out.1 x P k5 n& G
! }' C! D1 x! u' D
Your electricity bill is made up of:Daily Fixed Charge - This is a cents/day charge covering the fixed cost of your energy supply from the network or lines company plus a cost for metering and billing.
: O1 F5 k' r+ a7 T9 ~1 q& p$ PVariable Charge - This is a cents/kWh charge for the cost of the amount of electricity you use. It covers the cost of generating, transmitting and distributing the electricity to your home. This rate also includes the variable Electricity Commission levies.
3 X3 z* r6 @3 I& F. g5 _The variable rates available are dependent on your wiring and meter setup. Some variable rates are not applicable in your network area. If you wish to change your meter arrangements, a charge may apply.' F6 M0 Z8 u! {( J) n3 J
Night only generally provides 7.5 hours of heating between 9.00pm and 7.00am. 0 @ ^, Z% T, R8 @6 b
# A6 F2 h7 i* F2 Q/ B7 Q- X
Night plus generally provides 7.5 hours of heating between 9pm and 7am PLUS a 3 hour boost between midday and 4.00pm.
) v8 ]9 l: L7 u, z0 F$ E8 i! M
2 d0 b3 u6 l! J5 B% |Night prices (of a day/night combination) apply from 9.00pm to 7.00am (and heating loads are turned on for 7.5 hours during this period).
chrise 发表于 2011-2-7 16:43
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