肯定的,是一个叫Amber的AC的人说的 :) 7 {5 I7 ?' k! I; X/ f8 V. i ?有需要的话,她说只要打一个电话给他们就可以了作者: 兰色森林 时间: 2010-5-25 21:21:38
great south vets 收25, 走丢了如果有芯片cc人找到扫描一下就可以了。如果别人找到带去兽医那里也行。5 s1 F L0 M6 N9 ^- O. Y. w
应该代表有芯片,cc好像有规定去注册的狗狗要有芯片 ! P' _1 r9 r, cchinis 发表于 2010-5-25 17:47
reg s different from chipping. when you go 2 city council, they would ask you if your dog chiped or not, if not, they will do reg 2 but you need 2 go chipping in 2 weeks and send city council the chipping number.作者: 妖翼я傀魅 时间: 2010-5-26 00:31:19