
标题: Herald ------ Cafe worker awarded over $30k for job loss 四年后,不良老板挨罚! [打印本页]

作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-5-21 21:36:10     标题: Herald ------ Cafe worker awarded over $30k for job loss 四年后,不良老板挨罚!

本帖最后由 CNGBA 于 2010-5-21 20:51 编辑

Cafe worker awarded over $30k for job loss
2:52 PM Wednesday May 19, 2010

An employee at a Middle Eastern restaurant had no choice but to leave after his employer failed to pay him for several months, and is entitled to more than $30,000 from his former employer.

Mustafa Kanar was employed at the Harem Cafe and Meze Bar in Wellington's Manners Mall from February to July 2006, after ongoing issues over his pay.

He was hired by Erol Gurleyen to work at the business for $1000 per week, and shifted from Auckland to Wellington in January 2006 before starting work the following month.

Mr Kanar never received an employment agreement and had to request to be paid, he told the authority.

"Some wages" were received and Mr Gurleyen paid some of Mr Kanar's bills.

In March 2006, Sultan's Harem Ltd, a business at which Mr Gurleyen was a director, became the owner of the business and replaced Mr Gurleyen as Mr Kanar's employer.

Mr Gurleyen did not attend the Employment Relations Authority hearing and failed to send a representative, but earlier disputed that Mr Kanar was an employee, saying he was undertaking due diligence because he wanted to buy the business.

Mr Kanar said he investigated purchasing the business, but that was not until June, and a sale did not eventuate.

In July, Mr Gurleyen told Mr Kanar he could not pay him anything and "if he was not happy then he should just go", the authority's decision said. That amounted to an unjustified dismissal, the authority found.

Mr Kanar was awarded $18,348 in unpaid wages, along with $1,100.88 holiday pay and $8640 for three months' lost wages, to be jointly paid by Mr Gurleyen and Sultan's Harem Ltd.

They were also ordered to pay him $3000 compensation for humiliation, loss of dignity and injury to his feelings, and $1000 in penalties for his employers' "wilful and deliberate" conduct.

Mr Gurleyen was also ordered to pay Mr Kanar $250 for a contribution to costs, previously ordered by the authority.

作者: taomibaobao    时间: 2010-5-21 22:04:37

作者: 清蒸红烧小炖肉    时间: 2010-5-21 22:05:32

前排围观群众表示  太深奥  看不懂
作者: yangki    时间: 2010-5-21 22:22:29

有啥看不懂的, 就一个广告嘛 ;lol;
作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-5-21 22:33:14

本帖最后由 CNGBA 于 2010-5-21 21:46 编辑

原告: Mr Kanar
被告:Middle Eastern Restaurant (Wellington), 老板 Erol Gurleyen

Mr Kanar 从2006年2月-6月受聘于Erol Gurleyen 的咖啡馆,没有签合同,工资$1000/周,但老板从来没有给他支付过工资,只是为他付过一些账单。2006年3月,公司转手,Mr Harem 成为新老板。

2006年7月,Gurleyen告诉Mr Kanar 不会付给他任何钱,如果不高兴,他“可以走人”。老板没有出席法庭的听证会,也没有派代表参加。 他辨称Mr Kanar不是他的雇员,因为Mr Kanar有意买下这个生意。

由于老板不给支付工资,Mr Kanar被迫辞职,法庭认为构成“建设性辞职”。


$18,348 in unpaid wages (拖欠工资)
$1,100.88 holiday pay      (带薪公假)
$8640 for three months' lost wages (工资损失)
$3000 compensation          (精神赔偿)
$1000 in penalties               (罚款)
$250 for a contribution to costs (承担对方的法律费用)

作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-5-21 22:59:17

本帖最后由 CNGBA 于 2010-5-21 22:38 编辑

[quote]有啥看不懂的, 就一个广告嘛 ;lol;
yangki 发表于 2010-5-21 21:22 [/qu

如果你是雇主,你的员工告你侵权,我们一定免费代理他们的案子, not just no win no fee, it will be no fee at all. 你可以替我们在你的员工中做做广告。多谢了!

我们要让你付出的,除了上述可能的费用,还有一大笔律师费(如果你请律师的话),还有法庭诉讼费。在新西兰,一个ERA案子的律师辩护费平均是$10000.(引自劳动部的统计)。如果案子打到court, 费用会更高。我知道一个court案子,不算律师费,只是法庭诉讼费一项,就是八万多。 即使雇员输了官司,法庭诉讼费也多半是由雇主承担(三分之二左右),如果雇员赢了官司,承担的会更少。统计数字不难找到,建议你看看。   

作者: yangki    时间: 2010-5-21 23:26:07

就阁下的法律知识与及冥顽不灵的个性, 还是算了吧 ;titter;
作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-5-21 23:27:25

本帖最后由 CNGBA 于 2010-5-21 22:32 编辑
就阁下的法律知识与及冥顽不灵的个性, 还是算了吧 ;titter;
yangki 发表于 2010-5-21 22:26

我没有什么,我的同事当了近三十年的employment lawyer, 对付你这样的老板,没问题。赢了你,正好可以当案例做宣称。


作者: yangki    时间: 2010-5-21 23:38:55

老板? 什么老板?  谁是老板?  谁说我是老板? 你以为我为老板说说就是老板么? 我並沒有为任何人说话, 只是依理说法.
任职法律界, 得学会说话要有证据, 不是作侦探, 胡乱瞎猜 ;titter;
作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-5-21 23:42:40

老板? 什么老板?  谁是老板?  谁说我是老板? 你以为我为老板说说就是老板么? 我並沒有为任何人说话, 只是依理说法.
任职法律界, 得学会说话要有证据, 不是作侦探, 胡乱瞎猜 ;titter;
yangki 发表于 2010-5-21 22:38


作者: yangki    时间: 2010-5-21 23:46:32

又来了..... 如果.... 如果什么呀, 红蘋果, 青蘋果,  茶果, 无花果, .............啥果都有, 就是沒有如果. ;titter;
作者: yangki    时间: 2010-5-21 23:50:46

你这么伟大, 为啥不回国拯救那些受欺压的同胞, 枉自称来自強大的中国 ;sweat;
作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-5-22 09:41:57

;biggrin; 跑题!
作者: Kashima    时间: 2010-5-22 20:21:51

作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-5-23 00:59:32


Department of Labour 的Labour Inspector 是免费为雇员服务的,只要证实欠薪的情况属实,他们会替你向雇主讨回拖欠的工资。

如果雇主冥顽不化,Labour Inspector 会作为你的代理,向ERA起诉你的雇主,同时要求判决附带惩罚条款(多以罚金形式为主)。

我查阅了很多这样的案子,还没有看到Labour Inspector败诉的。
作者: yangki    时间: 2010-5-23 09:28:19

欠债还钱, 天经地意, 沒啥好说的
作者: 快乐的猴子    时间: 2010-5-23 10:33:36


1,Mr G 是 S 公司的大股东, S 公司手下有几个生意,
2,Mr K 是 S 公司的员工,
3,二月份,Mr K 被派到 wellington 分店考察,(原因是想买这个分店,所以,)而且没有工作合同。( 他自称是六月份才想买,不是2月份)
4,一个月后,这个店被 股东 Mr G 买下, Mr K 大怒之下跟 Mr G 要$1000/week的工钱,Mr G 觉得太贵,只给了部分,MR K 不满意,赖着不走,从三月份赖到六月份。
5,六月份 Mr K 终于走了,然后找人告 Mr G
6, 四年后,终于告成功了,律师费等等其他花费不详。

不过 Mr K 一定要求 $1000/week,分店被
Mr Kanar 被派到
作者: CNGBA    时间: 2010-5-23 16:02:28

ERA 要根据双方提供的证据作出判决,参照相关的法律条文。本文只是概述此案件。我可以根据判决书,提供更多的细节,如果网友们感兴趣的话。


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