Important news about the Big Time Broadband plan Hi Shuai Ge, Youmay have heard that the Big Time Broadband plan is coming to an end.The decision was not made lightly and we're sorry that we cannotcontinue to provide a plan with no monthly data allowance. However,the ongoing traffic management challenges involved with maintaining aninnovative plan like Big Time have now made it unsustainable. Tominimise the inconvenience, all Big Time customers will be recommendedsuitable broadband plans based on their recent broadband usage. We'llbe sending a letter in the coming weeks setting out your options,including what you need to do if you choose to disconnect yourbroadband. Yours sincerely Ralph Brayham Director of Home Telecom |
真不明白他们怎么搞的, 国内也一堆人在下载, 没听电讯公司说负荷不了啊, 国内人口是这里的好几倍呢, 他们就这技术还厚着脸皮说是下载的人太多啊。。。 垃圾
ctkhai 发表于 2010-5-20 12:28
So funny, can't believe a listed company could make such a careless decision.....hope their shares are dropping soon to dead!!!!!!
joanmiao 发表于 2010-5-21 12:18
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