既然你说你是主路,那么对方的出口应该有GIVE WAY 的双白线,如果没有,则不能断定你行的就是主路,须让他先行,遵循让右原则。你因该属于下面的第3种情况
What are the Give Way rules?
1.If you are turning at an intersection, give way to all vehicles not turning.
2.If you are turning left at an intersection, give way to vehicles coming towards you that are turning right.
3.In all other situations, give way to all vehicles coming from your right.
4.If you are leaving the path of a marked centre line, you are deemed to be turning and must give way to vehicles that are following the centre line.作者: luanluan 时间: 2010-4-28 10:23:45
以前考驾照的时候就碰到跟LZ相反的情况, 同样T字路口, 两条路一样粗细..也讲不清谁是主谁是辅...都没give way sign,考官说理论上是我应该先走,但实际还是等他先走比较好, 习惯...