我女朋友也想买小车,,之前都有留意FIT 和 COLT,, 据说HONDA的CVT波箱不好,比COLT的还要差,弄不好一坏,修起来就1,2千,而且还不一定能修好, 之前看了2辆FIT,价钱是便宜,02年的,5千多,6千多,但波箱不太行,一换档就会挫一下,,所以都不敢买,
现在主要focus on toyota ist, will,,!!!!!!作者: gnaw1016 时间: 2010-11-5 21:47:53
COLT la ofcause, i use to have a 1300cc COLT, use it for Howick to Unitec everyday for School, and now i have 2nd COLT, but this time Ralliart Ver R, 1500cc Turbo, one of the best small car in the world.作者: nanjingwy 时间: 2010-11-7 07:43:12