
标题: symond st 桥上貌似很严重的车祸 [打印本页]

作者: 大蛋    时间: 2010-4-17 10:53:34     标题: symond st 桥上貌似很严重的车祸

本帖最后由 大蛋 于 2010-4-18 10:04 编辑


Party driver among 4 dead                        By Rebecca Lewis and  Joseph Barrat

A driver who travelled 400m on the wrong side of the road before a fatal smash in inner-city Auckland yesterday morning had been partying with friends.
Life support for Nicolos Agius, 28, was switched off last night, about 12 hours after he was taken to Auckland Hospital in a critical condition.
The Toyota station wagon he was driving crossed over to the wrong side of Symonds St before hitting a power pole near the Southern Motorway overbridge about 8.50am.
His mother Judith said her son had been with friends the night before. She believed he had been driving to get food.
She said he stopped breathing in the ambulance. His life support was switched off at 9pm last night.
"I don't know what happened. I just don't know. I think he fell asleep at the wheel. He had accelerated [before crashing]. When they got him to the hospital they x-rayed him and ... it wasn't good."
Nicolos had studied IT at Auckland University and was to turn 29 in a couple of weeks.
Witness Philip Hale said he tried to get Nicolos to pull over when he saw his car cross to the wrong side of the road.
CCID: 32176

                                                                        "When you see someone on the wrong side of the road you know something's wrong.
"He carried on then he just veered off the road and 'boof', went straight into the lamp."
Jason Bennett had earlier seen Nicolos waiting to turn right from Mt Eden Rd on to Symonds St.
When the light turned green, he waited for about a minute and did not move until other drivers honked their horns. "He was driving very erratically," Bennett said.
Nicolos had posted on Facebook the day before he was looking forward to a concert that night. He said that he had not been "maggot" - slang for getting out of it - for almost two weeks, so was going to make the most of it.
Police northern communications Inspector Ian Brooker said the man had hit a pole and became trapped inside his car.
Vector staff were called to the scene to repair the damaged power pole and a hazardous materials team from the Fire Service was called to clean up a petrol spill.
作者: ken454    时间: 2010-4-17 13:10:42

作者: 恶魔天使    时间: 2010-4-17 13:52:09

作者: policemen    时间: 2010-4-17 13:53:13

drunk...50-60km straight into light pole...
dying now...
作者: 大蛋    时间: 2010-4-17 14:01:59

作者: ben2662    时间: 2010-4-17 16:45:28

作者: sukesl25    时间: 2010-4-17 16:55:01

作者: 凍檸賓BN    时间: 2010-4-17 17:15:12

作者: 優5566質    时间: 2010-4-17 17:44:44

不過還是默哀一下巴...開車請小心... 技術差還是去搭車吧
作者: 因为我不是他    时间: 2010-4-17 18:56:08

作者: for_undead    时间: 2010-4-17 19:28:04

lol EBA  nice.  ```
作者: gt40    时间: 2010-4-17 20:37:00

作者: wahaha_ha    时间: 2010-4-18 03:48:03

作者: policemen    时间: 2010-4-18 10:40:59

那個駕駛是酒駕的慣犯, 據說整晚開party早上回家
在khyber pass路上右轉, 轉道逆向去了然後昏過去了
警告那些沒駕照開車的, 不要以為慢慢開就不會出事30km跟對向車對撞也是一樣
沒駕照就乖乖去考 簡單的很 考到了再上路 對自己負責對別人也負責
如果這個不是撞路燈 八成又要帶幾個墊底的走 哀...
作者: 某某木头    时间: 2010-4-18 13:37:50


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