dont know much to say, i guess in my age, it all depends on the feeling and how to treat each other. welcome to text me or ring me and see how it goes.
31 Jimmy 021688869 East Auckland welcome to text or ring me sincerely looking for a future girl b86104053a@msn.com
作者: b86104053 时间: 2011-5-6 17:32:01
hi I am dont have qq, please contact me by phone 021688869
i am 33 working as a school teacher. Sincerely looking for relatioship.
Jimmy 1#meimei0113作者: b86104053 时间: 2011-7-15 18:28:45
交個朋友吧: 我住在Botany Down Area 你呢 i am working as a school teacher in New Zealand I am looking for someone to be wife if you are intersted in making friends first, please reply to me JIMMY ;
是时候告别上一段恋了。一直以为会和那个女人,结果有一天他告诉我,不爱了。我努力了,无法挽回,放手吧。谢谢他这么多这么多年来的照顾。刻骨铭心T分手后发现,完全不知道怎么面对朋友同情的目光,不敢告诉频频询问婚期的家人自己也成为了大龄剩,陪伴自己的只有自己。生活不会因为你的悲伤而停下脚步,心痛的时候躲在被子里哭一哭,第二天起来生活还是继续,继续假装已走出情伤,继续假装自己忙于事业无暇考虑婚姻。。。3 S% r. 喜欢孩子,孝敬长辈。怕吵,适应性强。马上29了,南方人,家境普通,父母双全,有工作PR。外貌中上,如果你要求特别高则另当别论,身高170,身材ok。)