
标题: Telecom graduate program 2011 [打印本页]

作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-3-2 13:24:22     标题: Telecom graduate program 2011

Since quite a few asked me the same thing before, saw the following on our Intranet and thought that someone might be interested. Application for Telecom graduate programme is now opened:

Refer to http://www.telecom.co.nz/gradhome for details.

Applications close on Sunday 21 March for accounting programme and 25 April, for technical and leadership programmes.

good luck
作者: kei    时间: 2010-3-2 13:25:39

Not interested.......
作者: 花天堂    时间: 2010-3-2 13:27:29

作者: 爱死高跟鞋女人    时间: 2010-3-2 13:33:49

谢谢,这样的好人 很难得。
作者: 荒岛余生    时间: 2010-3-2 13:54:23

LZ原来是telecom的,最近对telecom的服务颇有怨言。一个是手机的服务,这个是纽西兰混的就知道咋回事了,也不多说了,就是问问楼主从内部的消息看,啥时候这个问题能解决那?这个周末,竟然在Queen St上,手机信号满格,但是显示只能拨打紧急电话,再这样下去,估计我们整个公司都要换服务商了。另外一个就是0161服务,这个一直比电话卡贵点,但是效果好,方便,就一直用了好几年了。最近也是效果奇差,竟然还不如电话卡了。
作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-3-2 14:36:02

LZ原来是telecom的,最近对telecom的服务颇有怨言。一个是手机的服务,这个是纽西兰混的就知道咋回事了,也不多说了,就是问问楼主从内部的消息看,啥时候这个问题能解决那?这个周末,竟然在Queen St上,手机信号满 ...
荒岛余生 发表于 2010-3-2 13:54

In regards to the mobile cell site instability issue, trust me, it's currently on all the senior exec's top priority list. Apparently they had a few Alcatel execs driving this too and it should be just the matter of time before they get to the bottom of this. (unfortunately i don't deal with the mobile side of the business and don't know anything more than what's already published). BTW what phone are you actually using? I am on XT network too and i have never experienced any issue in regards to calling and SMS at all. If there are users experiencing problem in Auckland, i am sure it would have hit the news already. If you experience the same isue again, probably best to ring our support, i am sure they will be more than keen to help you with it. :)

My wife uses 0161 a lot too, haven't had any complain from her though.. let me talk to her and find out if it is as bad.
作者: 荒岛余生    时间: 2010-3-2 15:03:06

手机是索爱的那款折叠机,好像是W508C吧,这个问题不是我一个人遇到,全公司都遇到,而且complain过了,先说手机要升级,我升了。然后说sim卡要升级,我也升级了。结果这周六在市中心,又遇到emergency call only的悲剧了。这个问题好像是当手机信号换基站的时候,就会出现。不是我一个人的问题,全公司人都有。另外还有打着打着电话就掉线了,特别是开车的时候。至于去外地,更是悲剧了。上周在外地,一个哥们的手机掉水里了,他都要吹干了接茬用,就是打死不换XT。
作者: bacadi    时间: 2010-3-2 16:49:43

I experienced the same problem with 0161 recently.
but Telecom will introduce a new promo relating to international calls, please keep an eye. it will be out soon.
作者: bacadi    时间: 2010-3-2 16:50:29

I experienced the same problem with 0161 recently.
but Telecom will introduce a new promo relating to international calls, please keep an eye. it will be out soon.
作者: 荒岛余生    时间: 2010-3-2 17:37:39

作者: ~CHRISTY~    时间: 2010-3-2 18:32:32


有幾次打回家, 雜音很多, 都聽不清在說什麼

我爸媽聽得很清楚, 可是我很難聽到他們在說什麼, 斷斷續續的

有一次有急事要和家裡說,....真的沒辦法溝通...完全聽不到...只好換卡打, 立刻就很清楚~~
作者: 胡思≮乱想    时间: 2010-3-2 20:13:56


另外国际通话用SKYPE阿 比电话卡还便宜 音质还好..

至于TELECOM XT现在就是一团乱 看看VODAFONE已经表示只要换到VODAFONE就帮忙报销解约费...哈哈
作者: pak    时间: 2010-3-2 20:47:25

0161以前都很好呢  最近老打不出去,打通了也不清楚,,,怎么回事呢
作者: F14Tomcat    时间: 2010-3-2 23:25:52

我想请教一下,graduate program是不是只针对毕业生的?已经工作,想跳槽的人召吗?
作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-3-3 09:23:22

我想请教一下,graduate program是不是只针对毕业生的?已经工作,想跳槽的人召吗?
F14Tomcat 发表于 2010-3-2 23:25

direct quote from the page:

To apply, you'll need to meet these criteria:

    * You should be finishing your degree or postgraduate qualification, or have graduated in the 12 months preceding the year you'll be starting the programme
作者: 呼啸寒风    时间: 2010-3-3 20:43:23

作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-3-3 21:04:49

呼啸寒风 发表于 2010-3-3 20:43

The company you work for must be 10 times better than Telecom. May be you should post some job vacancy Ads out to help people out.

Are you saying it's a rubbish company because you have used some of their service before and are not happy with it, or are you saying it because there are currently lots of negative publicity in regards to it?

For those thinking of joining Telecom, i am not the company's advocate and i couldn't care less whether you like the company or not. For those that work in IT, many of us have worked for many big IT companies in NZ in the past and quite a few of us do agree that Telecom/gen-i is one of the best ICT company to work for in NZ (again, you don't have to agree with me, it's only my personal view).

As per Telecom's 2009 annual report (http://www.annualreport.telecom.co.nz/2009/), refer to the last page, out of around 7000 employees, about 1/3 of them are getting paid more than 100k.
作者: since    时间: 2010-3-3 22:08:37

The company you work for must be 10 times better than Telecom. May be you should post some job vacancy Ads out to help people out.

Are you saying it's a rubbish company because you have used so ...
117wik 发表于 2010-3-3 21:04

说的不错。 另外我明天下午4点过去面试,117wik你在哪里 我可以跟你聊聊~~
作者: 117wik    时间: 2010-3-3 22:11:10

说的不错。 另外我明天下午4点过去面试,117wik你在哪里 我可以跟你聊聊~~
since 发表于 2010-3-3 22:08

Which department/role you going interview for? PM me details and i am more than happy to have a chat with you.

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