
标题: 阿海please come in again USANA - it is a worth while business or a scam ?? [打印本页]

作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-17 09:17:27     标题: 阿海please come in again USANA - it is a worth while business or a scam ??

本帖最后由 ysun062 于 2010-2-18 08:46 编辑

I have been approached by many people about joining USANA.

Here is what they'll say to u
1, Improve health, change your life, live healthy from now.
2. Make money, achieve financial freedom, be your own boss, let other people make money for you in the future.
3. Cost nothing, since you can claim it back through tax return.

At start I was against it 100%, but now i am 50/50. What they are saying is not entirely false.

Does anyone else here worked with USANA before ? is it really real about what they are saying ?
作者: 萨米    时间: 2010-2-17 09:21:28

Interesting. I can always see Amwayers and USANAers blaming each other.
作者: 无过    时间: 2010-2-17 09:39:47

Usana is good product but don't even think how to make money from it. Tax return is possible but just around $3000 a year.
作者: MANHATTAN    时间: 2010-2-17 09:52:10

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作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-17 09:55:07

Usana is good product but don't even think how to make money from it. Tax return is possible but just around $3000 a year.
无过 发表于 2010-2-17 09:39

Well, a tax return of $3000 will cover the cost of running the business and self consuming of the usana product. Which is pretty good.

Ofcoz you wont make a profit from tax return.
作者: 无过    时间: 2010-2-17 10:04:31

Now i am pretty sure you are the member of Usana.
作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-17 10:10:27

Now i am pretty sure you are the member of Usana.
无过 发表于 2010-2-17 10:04

then I have to tell you that you are totally wrong. I am not a member of USANA, come on man, just because I dont say bad things about USANA, it doesnt mean I am a member of USANA.

I just like to determine some facts and to listen to other people's experience
作者: 无过    时间: 2010-2-17 10:26:53

then I have to tell you that you are totally wrong. I am not a member of USANA, come on man, just because I dont say bad things about USANA, it doesnt mean I am a member of USANA.

I just like  ...
ysun062 发表于 2010-2-17 10:10

How much do you know about the products?

The fact is most business activities are happening between Chinese.
作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-17 10:54:49

How much do you know about the products?

The fact is most business activities are happening between Chinese.
无过 发表于 2010-2-17 10:26

I have been approached by 3 or 4 USANA people to try to get me in. So I heard their side of the story, and I felt they have a common/very similar strategy to get people in.

They will make you feel as you are part of a group of successful, bright, smart people, its almost like religion, they have group meeting, social activities, and try to brain wash you. And for those reasons, I dont like USANA, i dont want to be brain washed.

But then I started to do some research on google, there seems to be reasonable argument on both side of the fence.

I do believe in the product itself is a relatively "good" health, but its over priced, other similar product are much cheaper.

And I am concerned that these USANA sales people are not telling the truth about money making side of things. They will say that you'll make 10000k per year in the first one or two year is easy, but i find out that 87% USANA sales wont make a profit at all. And USANA have a massive stuff turnover, most people just become a sales for a year or two and quit, so thats why they have to keep hiring.

But there are some successful sales who are making over $1000 per week. (from what i've been hearing, not sure if its true or not)
作者: 萨米    时间: 2010-2-17 11:03:27

作者: 无过    时间: 2010-2-17 11:07:09

萨米 发表于 2010-2-17 11:03

作者: 葡萄紫    时间: 2010-2-17 11:10:07

NEVER EVER TRUST DIRECT SALES AGIAN. I jointed USANA before and still got some expired product in my fridge T_T..... Also I do not like people who are doing direct sales... they just keep talking, like Tang Seng...
作者: 无过    时间: 2010-2-17 11:21:14

NEVER EVER TRUST DIRECT SALES AGIAN. I jointed USANA before and still got some expired product in my fridge T_T..... Also I do not like people who are doing direct sales... they just keep talking, lik ...
葡萄紫 发表于 2010-2-17 11:10

the products are fine, why you don't take them. I like the products but hate the style of selling.
作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-17 11:21:31

NEVER EVER TRUST DIRECT SALES AGIAN. I jointed USANA before and still got some expired product in my fridge T_T..... Also I do not like people who are doing direct sales... they just keep talking, lik ...
葡萄紫 发表于 2010-2-17 11:10

so from your previous experience with USANA, is it very hard to make a profit ? or is it hard to get other people to be your "下线" ?
作者: yaoming11    时间: 2010-2-17 11:23:55

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作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-17 11:30:47


yaoming11 发表于 2010-2-17 11:23

Thanks, I've read that article a few month ago (as part of my research), but thanks anyway.
作者: Hondan    时间: 2010-2-17 11:41:58

本帖最后由 Hondan 于 2010-2-17 12:01 编辑
Usana is good product but don't even think how to make money from it. Tax return is possible but just around $3000 a year.
无过 发表于 2010-2-17 09:39

Be careful to claim tax benefit from doing such network marketing.

It's difficult to get IRD link, but try this: http://www.ird.govt.nz/technical-tax/revenue-alerts/revenue-alert-ra0901.html
作者: 阿海    时间: 2010-2-17 12:55:20

As Robert Kiyosaki saids, Network Marketing is a great business toolfor the amateurs to get into the game of business, and if you have notconsidered it, then it is your loss

My fiancee and I have started our Usana part time business two years ago. We both have our full time jobs on top, and we are really just turtling along really.

We enjoy the products, the supplements are great at giving us more energy, and better well being.

While our USANA income pays part of our mortgage (and free health supplements), some of our friends who started at the same time or a bit later are collecting 4 figure cheques every week. It certainly beats the 12-14 hour days as a real state agent. Of course we see a lot of friends that failed along the way too, but that's part of managing your business. Remember that not everyone has the desire, passion, and dedication to be successful in the world of business.

Usana is just a stepping stone for me, as I'm more passionate about real estate investing. I'm now activily buying and selling land in the US part time, so I haven't been putting time in my Usana business for a while, but cheques still come in every week, so I can't complain.
作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-17 12:56:23

Be careful to claim tax benefit from doing such network marketing.

It's difficult to get IRD link, but try this: http://www.ird.govt.nz/technical-tax/revenue-alerts/revenue-alert-ra0901.html
Hondan 发表于 2010-2-17 11:41

Thanks for the info, I had a read, it seemed that IRD has picked up on this multilevel direct sales thing. But nothing is implement to stop these tax return from happening, it will take a significant amount of investment to change IRD's existing process.
作者: DuDu妈    时间: 2010-2-17 13:13:57


3。没有花费?很多人都说可以退税,但那是在你亏得情况下面。IRD也不是傻瓜,你亏个2-3年,他不来找你问问话?亏你还做?有没有businessplan之类的东西?还有,Usana好像是每月必须买东西的,当你卖不掉东西,或者自己不需要买东西,就等于你的membership停了,这段时间所有的费用照例也不能claim,还有会影响到什么,好像是以后购买产品的优惠就没有了之类的 我忘记了


作者: 阿海    时间: 2010-2-17 13:30:22

1)传统的店面行销 - 金钱投资大,支出大,赚钱亏钱很短时间就能知道,通常不适合没经验或没金钱和时间的人
2)网上行销 - 投资小,竞争大,适合有正式工作的人,但有时也很消耗时间(我有个朋友平时上班下班经营trademe生意,结果累得眼睛都瞎了2-3个月)。online business应该说是以后的主流,像trademe, ebay, 掏宝多赚啊。 最难的是产品定位。如果要自己设立网站,那traffic是非常头疼的事
投资小,灵活,适合个人的时间来安排,风险小,支出小,回报高。 缺点:投入小,风险小,自然很容易堕落,收入开始头一年不乐观(也要看你时间付出,全职的努力的也能干出很好的成绩)


作者: Hondan    时间: 2010-2-17 14:21:42

Thanks for the info, I had a read, it seemed that IRD has picked up on this multilevel direct sales thing. But nothing is implement to stop these tax return from happening, it will take a signific ...
ysun062 发表于 2010-2-17 12:56

It's implementing, just you don't know. I have two clients caught by IRD for investigation. The two guys don't take my advice which I told them you could only do one year for tax refund if you have no genuine intention to do the business.

Now they're in trouble. Not only they will return the tax refund but penalty and interest will impose as well.
作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-17 15:06:18

It's implementing, just you don't know. I have two clients caught by IRD for investigation. The two guys don't take my advice which I told them you could only do one year for tax refund if you hav ...
Hondan 发表于 2010-2-17 14:21

hmmmm,,, were those two guys involved with USANA business ? or some other business ?

ok, then I will take your word for it, if they are taking action to catch these tax returns, then it is very risky to enter this tax return business for multilevel direct selling business.
作者: xiaolu    时间: 2010-2-17 15:16:55

作者: 无过    时间: 2010-2-17 15:19:50

作者: neilnz    时间: 2010-2-17 15:20:39

作者: AndrewAUT    时间: 2010-2-17 15:29:50

作者: 欣薇    时间: 2010-2-17 15:56:02

作者: 武夫的眉笔    时间: 2010-2-17 21:22:56

作者: 蓝魔之泪    时间: 2010-2-17 23:35:22

作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-18 08:44:30

As Robert Kiyosaki saids, Network Marketing is a great business toolfor the amateurs to get into the game of business, and if you have notconsidered it, then it is your loss

My fiancee and I have s ...
阿海 发表于 2010-2-17 12:55

Thanks for your reply. There is one question that I always ask USANA people, but they never give me a straight up answer.

I really hope you can answer this. Here is my question:

Let say I am a successful USANA sales, and lets assume currently I am making $1000 per week (just like your successful friends who is getting 4 figure income each week), how much dollar worth of product do I and my "下线" have to buy (or sell) to give me a commission of $1000 per week ???

I've asked this question to many USANA sales, but they never give me a direct answer, can you please give me a straight up honest answer on this.

Just tell me a figure, like "you and your "下线" have to buy (or sell) $50,000 worth of USANA product per week to earn you $1000 commission per week"

Thanks in advance
作者: 快乐的猴子    时间: 2010-2-18 10:29:06

卖一份产品, 你要利润, 你上头也要, 上头的上头也要, 不知道还有多少个上头等等等等. 就算出厂价价很便宜,  经过这么多层的利润分配, 利润要么不可能太高,要么产品不可能太便宜.

直销对厂家的好处最大, 他们免费请了大量的员工来帮他们卖东西, 99%的人是拿不到收入或者是被逼自己消费, 自有1%的人一直靠讲座,推广来保持他们的金字塔位子.

你想当那个99%的人, 就加入吧.
作者: 海陆    时间: 2010-2-18 10:38:27

作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-2-18 17:34:19

作者: iris    时间: 2010-2-18 17:45:41

作者: ICECOOL    时间: 2010-2-18 17:48:38

作者: LingEr    时间: 2010-8-3 11:40:29

35# iris

作者: 阿海    时间: 2010-8-3 11:59:08

Usana is a genuine business, and their nutritional supplements are top of the market.

Unfortunately the supplements are expensive for the average Joe.

I recommend this:
1) For people who are generally healthy:
   - Take Thompsons everyday multi
   - Buy 蜂胶 from chinese health shops (the most expensive you can find, $65/200 days)

2) For people who have sickness, ie back pain, heart problems, anything that worth seeing the doctor for:
  - Take Usana Essentials
  - Take Omega/Active Calcium/Profavanol etc according to sickness

There is definitely a market for Usana products, you just gotta find it.

And if you are into selling, then network marketing is easier for you to integrate.

If you hate selling, then you need to have a big reason on (ie why you want wealth) why you want to get into it, because it is you who needs to change. If you don't have a big enough reason to do the network marketing business, don't do it.

Personally I don't like persuading people to see what I can see in business & health, so hence I prefer real estate investing, where I can control everything, and which is what I'm doing now.
作者: LingEr    时间: 2010-8-3 12:07:22

31# ysun062

hmm...good question,i nvr actually calculate dat.Let's take the most expensive product.if u wanna get $1000(actual amount based on is $1900) per week,then you should have 100 people buying the product every week. Which is nearly 38k.So u basically juz earn a 5% of the total group sales.this is calculated base on the Phase 2-Transform pack.which is about 370 per month.if calculated based on the cheapest product,Health pak 100,which is now 250 per month,nearly 26k spent by total of 100 ppl.so u get a 7% bonus.

Basically an associates is juz like a franchise.the difference is we receive bonus for what we sell but not adding money to make the product more expensive n earn more profit.

But not to forget,although this is a total group sale earned by the company,we don spent dat much,its juz a meer 10 bucks a day for ur health.and the company is not slacking as well,they are always producing better product through the R&D and besides,once u can earn dat much per week,u r probably already a director and then,there ll be extra bonus for leadership.this leadership bonus,if u like to know more,u can contact me through QQ:1242289234

Hope this helps.Maybe nearly all of the associates will scold me for this but i don really care coz to me,wad is important is honesty.
作者: 大义灭猪    时间: 2010-8-3 12:38:18

本帖最后由 大义灭猪 于 2010-8-3 11:43 编辑

我接触了无数传销,没见过靠这个起家的,都是有了钱以后搞,没有搞这个发财的,我mm一次去剪头发,不巧那个人就是USANA,一直不停的想给我mm洗脑。之后的几周里一直不停的打电话狂轰乱炸。害得我mm关机一个月。  传销的宗旨就是只传不销。

我跟一个洋人高人谈到传销的时候,他说传销以及各种中介形式的生意都是因为那些人没有什么特殊的skill, 他说: if you don't have any actual skills, then you don't have much choice in life. If you don't have a choice, that's what you do.
作者: 阿海    时间: 2010-8-3 12:46:46

我接触了无数传销,没见过靠这个起家的,都是有了钱以后搞,没有搞这个发财的,我mm一次去剪头发,不巧那个人就是USANA,一直不停的想给我mm洗脑。之后的几周里一直不停的打电话狂轰乱炸。害得我mm关机一个月。  传销 ...
大义灭猪 发表于 2010-8-3 11:38



我身边很多朋友都是工作+part time Usana的。 有几个做的很好,都全职做Usana了。

作者: 大义灭猪    时间: 2010-8-3 13:08:34



我身边很多朋友都是工作+part time Usana的。 有几个做的很好,都全职做Usana了。

阿海 发表于 2010-8-3 11:46

第二,为什么传销的人嘴里都说“我身边很多朋友都是工作+part time的。 有几个做的很好,都全职做了”。但是我来这里10年了,我在现实生活认识的N人做传销的都越做越龌龊。靠刷小手段赚钱不是长久之计,年轻人,要走的路还长,干点正事吧。
第三,你们的Vice President都在洋人媒体上曝光了
作者: 通天教主    时间: 2010-8-3 13:09:28

本帖最后由 通天教主 于 2010-8-3 12:10 编辑


作者: 大义灭猪    时间: 2010-8-3 13:10:24

'Most people won't get their money back'
Helen Malmgren | Friday July 13, 2007 - 11:00pm

--87 per cent of commission-earning Usana distributors don’t make enough money to recover the cost of their monthly qualifying purchases from the company

--72.2 per cent of all Usana’s commissions are earned by 7.7 per cent of commission-earning distributors.
作者: 智恒    时间: 2010-8-3 13:17:06

世界上有很多种人,很多条路, 没有绝对, 任何公司的合法存在都有着它的道理, 不能当IRD是白痴吧。

你觉得不适合你, 你就不要做;你觉得你有办法可以用其它途径摆脱你日复一日的工作生活状态, 并达到自己想要的财富或者是自由, 你就不要做; 你如果不想离开你现在的生活模式,工作一周赚的钱够自已衣食住行就满足了, 没有其它更高要求的, 你就不要做; 你觉得你的个人能力、待人处事、领导能力都没必要提升或者是自觉完美的话, 你也不用做。   相反的, 你就去做直销。

其实任何东西人们都有喜欢或者不喜欢的声音, 正常!! 你不做, 你就努力的找方法达到自己的生活目标, 也不需要看不起甚至讨厌那些与大部份人不同生活方式的人; 你做, 并不是说你没有技术, 知识和商业能力就能达到一定的等级或者赚到钱, 你在从事的是最不被大部份人了解并看好的行业。

反对的声浪一定比支持的声音大, 这是一定的。 看看历史上的名人有哪个是一直得到所有人的认同并支持而成功的, 不多。 你做IT业时, 你的榜样就是比尔盖茨; 你炒股, 你就知道股神巴菲特, 人们都以得到他的建议而付出大量真金百银; 所以, 你如果要做直销, 你会问那些不成功的, 半途而废的人给你建议吗? 乔基拉德你认识吗?

所以, 你真要做直销, 就不要害怕别人的误解与拒绝, 要多学习、坚持与关心身边的人。
作者: 阿海    时间: 2010-8-3 13:20:35











作者: 大义灭猪    时间: 2010-8-3 13:25:01



Winners make the rules, others live by.
作者: ysun062    时间: 2010-8-3 14:23:59

Shit, cant believe there are still people talking about this post !
I posted this one a few month ago.

From what I've seen, alot of good looking girls are doing very good with selling USANA ! and they focus their market on geek looking single man, who dont have many friends etc, and the girls will make friends with them, have group parties, events etc and hook the poor geek looking single man into USANA....

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