I think most FLG people in NZ that i've meet are generally good people, they might be twisted in their head, but i think they are twisted in a "good" way. I mean they dont go out harm people/society/themselves (most of them dont, ofcoz there are small amount of them do cause hard), they dont rape people, or take sexual advantages of people, they dont make a profit out of it (I am not talking about the FLG organisation, they ofcoz make money), they dont force u to join FLG.
So I actually dont against FLG practionairs in NZ, they seem to be good people in most cases.
And by the way, I am not a FLG person. (this in case u think I am)作者: Emil 时间: 2010-2-17 16:06:58
是啊,您多超凡脱俗啊作者: 误入 时间: 2010-2-17 21:29:39
会呗警察大叔抓去严刑拷打的作者: Emil 时间: 2010-2-17 22:25:13
我不入伙,只给人介绍,不会被打PP吧作者: 牛哥 时间: 2010-2-17 22:50:29
哥儿们,你这样,明儿个给他打印个春哥儿教的图儿,然后告诉他,“信春哥,永不倒”,说这个比FLG好使,哈哈哈作者: Emil 时间: 2010-2-18 01:00:51