;biggrin; I m looking for a twin buggies,but nosure which one is good!Can MM here give me any suggestions!Many thanks! 1) Phil & Ted Vibe Double 2)Mountain Buggy Duo 3)Phil & Teds Sports Doubles Kit I only found these 3 types of prams frm the internet.any other brands which MM is currently using and think it is good?作者: doudoumi 时间: 2010-2-15 21:53:22
phil & teds好像只有一前一后的吧,后面那个显得好可怜
有次马路边推过去一辆,我lg还给后面底下的小宝宝配音呢:WHY ME???T_T作者: 爱袁袁 时间: 2010-2-16 08:04:18
phil & teds好像只有一前一后的吧,后面那个显得好可怜
有次马路边推过去一辆,我lg还给后面底下的小宝宝配音呢:WHY ME???T_T
siogine 发表于 2010-2-16 07:57
楼上妈妈真搞笑~~~~作者: jessie^o^ 时间: 2010-2-16 10:19:50
haha 宣传海报写的是 the cool one always sit at the back作者: 节 时间: 2010-2-16 10:21:24
mountain buggy吧
我家的就是mb 觉得很好。。作者: Snowie28 时间: 2010-2-19 18:44:09
thanks MM for urs valuable opinions!作者: Snowie28 时间: 2010-2-23 15:44:43
another Q for MM-when is the best time to buy the pram ar?waiting for the mid yr sale?And where should I buy it?cos different places sell different prices! :P want to knw where I can get the cheaper price lor!