
标题: 警察是不是开罚单跟喝水似的 [打印本页]

作者: foreverlove    时间: 2010-1-9 16:34:58     标题: 警察是不是开罚单跟喝水似的

上个月在堵车路段30km/h速度急刹车顶到前面车(车主young kiwi), 当时马上给对方我的detail并且两天后全额配给保险公司。  这kiwi当时很慌态度恶劣,打电话叫警察来,警察以为我们有争议,问了一下没有就简单写了个报告。我以为这事就完了。

昨天收到张罚单,是说我上个月accident “sharply stop by other car “ 28天内交罚款150.
问了好多朋友,没有这种情况交罚单的,都是超速闯灯没安全带等等。 堵车的时候车都跟着紧,碰到后面也是normal accident并且我赔偿相当痛快, 警察当时也没给罚单啊。实在不服气啊。

各位xdjm有没有类似经历或者办法啊? 先叩谢了。
作者: michaelqiu    时间: 2010-1-9 16:45:09

你可以先找律师问,不服就写信给警察局,没用 就 上法庭
作者: 锤子+小刀    时间: 2010-1-9 16:50:35

作者: sleepy    时间: 2010-1-9 21:35:25

我被罰過類似的 私下調解就不會出現這情形
叫警察的話 被罰也沒辦法吧
作者: ziyfan    时间: 2010-1-9 21:43:25

作者: 泡泡时尚生活坊    时间: 2010-1-11 00:56:31

作者: wellington2005    时间: 2010-1-11 13:18:46

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: joseph_43    时间: 2010-2-2 14:27:52

作者: Matt1314520    时间: 2010-2-2 16:07:22

我曾经跟别人撞过车,还比你严重的吧.警察也来了,后来就叫我们自己解决, 报告也写了, 没有罚呀...你写信去警察局COMPLAINT一下.
作者: 肥猫999    时间: 2010-2-2 21:12:00

我被开过闯“黄灯”,单子上是这么写的,“FAIL TO COMPLY WITH YELLOW SIGNALS" 罚款70刀
作者: Matt1314520    时间: 2010-2-3 01:33:48

我被开过闯“黄灯”,单子上是这么写的,“FAIL TO COMPLY WITH YELLOW SIGNALS" 罚款70刀
肥猫999 发表于 2010-2-2 21:12

作者: policemen    时间: 2010-2-3 19:14:49

作者: 34172963    时间: 2010-2-4 01:03:27

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: policemen    时间: 2010-2-4 09:19:00

lz你不用氣, 我處理過的車禍
現在大都多會叫警察, 不然人跑了保險公司會很麻煩
作者: kinki9379    时间: 2010-2-4 09:28:36

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: WLGX    时间: 2010-2-4 16:27:04

本帖最后由 WLGX 于 2010-2-4 16:32 编辑

It is different here from China. Giving you a ticket is because you have breached the New Zealand law - The Land Transport Act 1998.  It doesn't matter whether you have sought out the damage of your car or the other party's car. The insurance is the only the civil matter (in Chinese: Min Shi ) but the police ticket is traffic criminal matter (in Chinese: Xing Shi). It is seperated.
If police have attended to a car accident. They must make a fininal decision in the report. According to the law and the driver's action, including the evidence they have got. They will decide whether to charge you or give you a formal warning. They can give you a ticket or a warning if it is not serious. They can also prosecute you to the court like Careless Driving if it is more serious.

In your case, if you disagree with the police charge, you can only go to court to defense your self or through the lawyer (it wouldn't be cheap).  But the police also get the other driver or other witnesses to give evidence in Court.  The court judge will listen to both parties and see the evidence and then make the final decision. If you lose the case, you still need to pay the ticket and plus the cost of court fee.
Therefore the police will make decision base on the evidence in different case, not what the drivers think. Nothing you can blame the police as they are just doing their job. Sometimes if you witness a bad driver on the road and you report it, police still can issue a ticket for the driver if the evidence is enough.

Please read the road code again even you are experienced driver. If you obey what the rule says, it will save you money even your life (you only have one from your parents).
作者: 肥猫999    时间: 2010-2-6 23:12:43

WLGX 的英文哦。。。。

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