就是写套话~~比如 Team WORK SKILL
就写 能够很好的和人合作 share自己的IDEA等等~~
最后要CA签字作者: 牛哥 时间: 2010-1-6 22:14:55
得有MENTOR给你签字才可以作者: wowo 时间: 2010-1-7 10:55:32
本帖最后由 wowo 于 2010-1-7 10:56 编辑
If it is for PCE1, then you don't need a mentor, the assessment is for general working skill, but you do need a CA to sign the form for you, you can ask the CA of your company to sign it
Don't know if they have changed the policy, if you are still not sure, you can always call them and ask for help, they are very professional and helpful.作者: ddrbhz 时间: 2010-1-7 17:05:31