收到manukau city council 的罚单,说是19号8:34am 我的车在mangere的skipton street 停在黄线上. 我靠,8:30我还在送小孩上课.city council 罚款罚疯了呀!!!罚60圆,不是钱的事,咽不下这口气呀!!! 我住在pakuranga,谁会去那个鬼地方呀.纽西兰真是个好地方呀!!!???还说是最清廉的国家.i服了you!!!作者: 恶贯满盈 时间: 2009-11-28 01:11:33
Manuka City Council
Private Bag 76917
Manuka City
Auckland 2241
Dear Sir or Madam:
Re. ref. xxxxxxx
I received a parking ticket for parking on a yellow line on the Thursday 19th of November at 8.30am. I am very surprised of this as I drive my son to school everyday at the time and his school is in Howick (xxxxxx School).
However according to ticket I was in Mangere area which is very far and isn’t possible to be in both places at the same time. My son’s (xxx) teacher Mrs xxx can verify his attendance at school and can be contacted through the school (xxxxxxx).
This parking ticket is a mistake as the school is located over 20km away from Mangere and I couldn’t have possibly driven there during this time when I live in Pakuranga and have no reason to travel past there to drive him to school.
Could you please review this ticket, I think you have made a mistake