I think what LZ said is Landscape Architecture rather than gardening ??
It is one of the few professions for creating a sustainable and quality urban/built environment (along with architects, civil engineers, town planners, arborists and surveyors,etc), which New Zealand is so proud itself of.
Nowadays, many cities around the world and NZ start to pay attention to quality urban design so many landscape architects actually work as "Urban Designers" for either private consultants/city councils (and I know a Chinese girl with a landscape architecture degree in China now working as an urban designer here and another Beijing lady who has a degree in this field from Beijing and she managed to get a job in Auckland City Council as an Open Space Planner (planning and design of parks and reserves for the city as well developing council policies on open space) but had moved to Sydney a few years ago working on a similar position in council there).
Of course, you cannot compare this with other "hot" disciplines such as accounting, finance, engineering and IT in terms of the number of jobs available but landscape architecture is certainly a well recognised profession and the prospects of it should not be too bad, either in NZ/Australia or back in China.作者: 腿毛菲菲 时间: 2009-11-19 17:00:12
I did not mean Landcape Architect = urban designer but some of the theories and knowledge of both disciplines are relevant and common to each other (for example, the emphasis on creating a "sense of place") and it is true that many companies/local councils do employ landscape architects as urban designers.
Having said that, there are graduates who end up in designing gardens for people (such as those seen in the Chinese newspapers) - this depends on one's main interest and luck in job search.作者: z-score 时间: 2009-11-20 14:34:08
What's up with the name duo duo? Why so many?作者: 多多是个球 时间: 2009-11-20 16:25:22
Not really, but I work in one of the professions I mentioned in the post no. 12 so I do know and have some working relationship with landscape architects from time to time...
Again, it really depends na. But, if you are really interested, dont worry too much but just have a go - however, you may find it useful to ask the department of either Unitec/Lincoln first before making a final decision.作者: 陌生的香港人 时间: 2009-11-21 00:53:56
Just quote a definition from Wikipedia on "Landscape Architecture" in Chinese (a Taiwanese translation thou) and you can check out the details from the link below....
Not really na but as I said before I work in one of the jobs I mentioned above on my earlier post so thats why I have some ideas as to what you guys are doing:)