haven't you watched "10 conds of love"? she's a demanding moody bitch.
btw, she doesn't want a good chinese-uyghur relationship, she want her "country" to gain independence.
I'd go and shake h ...
saintjohn 发表于 2009-10-8 10:16
why you put such a sad poem......
了了数行诉声声 - 03.10.09
love_3_month 发表于 2009-10-8 09:29
there is no denying that she, like many uyghurs, want independence, you would want the same if we are under japanese ruling today.
Also her story isnt always true.which gives us even more reason to ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-8 10:47
我个人认为你的逻辑已经混乱了,首先,中国没有被日本统治过,也从来没有成为过日本的一部分。 而新疆自古以来就是中国的一部分。所以你说的'Under Japanese ruling' 和中国的统一一点关系都没有。
RhapsodyOfFire 发表于 2009-10-8 15:19
haven't you watched "10 conds of love"? she's a demanding moody bitch.
btw, she doesn't want a good chinese-uyghur relationship, she want her "country" to gain independence.
I'd go and shake h ...
saintjohn 发表于 2009-10-8 10:16
but all in all, you are missing the point. I am not talking about "return the land to" whoever. as I dont believe in seperation either. but I do believe that to truly create a harmonic community, hate is not the answer, understand and collaboration is.
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-9 14:54
所谓尊重对手就是尊重自己, 热比亚的人生目标和我们不一样, 这是很正常的, 这部代表我们一定要贬低她和打击她, 全世界现在都在可怜她,我们对她越礼貌, 全世界就越不会仇视中国。
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-10 15:49
How about I changed your words to that, do you think Americans should accept this idea?
所谓尊重对手就是尊重自己, 本拉登的人生目标和我们不一样, 这是很正常的, 这不代表我们一定要贬低他和打击他 ...
bigbear 发表于 2009-10-10 18:01
你真能扯, 本拉登和热比娅万全是两码事
本拉登在911后立刻宣布是他干的, 他要的就是恐怖主义, 要把美国人吓跑, 这是宣战。 穆斯林世界像热比娅这样的人很多, 但是被追着打的只有想本拉登这种宣战的。
热比 ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-10 23:49
你真能扯, 本拉登和热比娅万全是两码事
本拉登在911后立刻宣布是他干的, 他要的就是恐怖主义, 要把美国人吓跑, 这是宣战。 穆斯林世界像热比娅这样的人很多, 但是被追着打的只有想本拉登这种宣战的。
热比 ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-10 23:49
你太幼稚了, 这种人越杀越多, 你永远杀不完, 而且你每杀一个, 就会多一个国家觉得中国是帝国主义, 而新疆和西藏更应该独立。 迟早是要众叛亲离的。 要不然你以为为什么这些年都不打台湾, 反而关系越来越好 ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-11 09:49
big bear, 我感觉好像最极端,口口声声说汉维不能共存的人是你才对。 怎么如果热比亚也这么想她就万恶不涉了? 何况她还真没这么说。
而且你觉得应该怎么办? 把新疆人都赶走还杀了?
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-11 09:47
我搜索了一下 =="漢維無法共存" - 熱比婭'== 这段话。
首先, 用英语搜索不到, 所有的结果都是汉语网页, 美国逃难的人在澳洲发言, 却找不到这段话的纪录, 是不是有些奇怪?
第二,一个网站上的原话:“文 ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-11 09:42
你真能扯, 本拉登和热比娅万全是两码事
本拉登在911后立刻宣布是他干的, 他要的就是恐怖主义, 要把美国人吓跑, 这是宣战。 穆斯林世界像热比娅这样的人很多, 但是被追着打的只有想本拉登这种宣战的。
热比 ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-10 23:49
世界不一样了, 你看看有哪些国家现在还敢把少数民族赶到一个小角落的, 你还好意思提毛利人, 新疆人得到的待遇如果是毛利人一般就不会闹了。
没有人说要帮实现热比亚的理想社会, 热比亚的重要性根本不是这 ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-11 21:15
中国就是有很多不公平, 能有越多的人出来和政府叫板, 才说明国家越进步。
全世界最没人叫板的国家之一是北朝鲜, 被叫板最多的是美国, 你觉得那个比较进步?
台湾和大陆的关系也确实是越来越好, 其原因 ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-11 21:08
你真能扯, 本拉登和热比娅万全是两码事
本拉登在911后立刻宣布是他干的, 他要的就是恐怖主义, 要把美国人吓跑, 这是宣战。 穆斯林世界像热比娅这样的人很多, 但是被追着打的只有想本拉登这种宣战的。
热比 ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-10 23:49
This is actually a perfect example, because bus drivers' is in fact very low. so low that they couldnt get any young people to join, bus drivers' average age is the highest of all professions in n ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-13 10:01
Well. life is not as simple as that , many people cant just get up and leave a job they have been doing for 30 years, they spent all their life doing it that they have no other skill will earn the ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-13 10:43
Exactly what happened in the first 100 years? can you please tellme, because I cant actually find religious discremination, nuclear waste contimination.
you should actually do some research and ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-13 11:04
you are missing the point. it doesnt matter how long ago, simple fact is they didnt get the raise they wanted, and since it is within the bounds of law, it is what they deserve.
If you think bu ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-13 11:40
I think you are getting too excited here, and you should refrain yourself a little, or just like you say, shut up :).
my point of this thread is not to say you cant, but you need to know why yo ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-13 11:49
if you have to go down to that level, then same to you - Your words are nothing but rubbish. From your previous comments, I don't think you knew much about history.
what does language have thi ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-13 11:43
I am not sure where your quote comes from, but that is only one view, which i dont agree.
Language is simply a tool for communication, better developed language will always take over more primi ...
铁牛 发表于 2009-10-13 12:06
well........you need more to support your claim "Whites treat Maoris better than Hans treat Uygers"
bigbear 发表于 2009-10-13 12:28
和自己有 ...
celenachen 发表于 2009-10-13 21:25
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