
标题: 问一个财产纠纷问题,急!!! [打印本页]

作者: tvjh    时间: 2009-10-2 04:26:22     标题: 问一个财产纠纷问题,急!!!


作者: miaomiao    时间: 2009-10-2 07:45:59

作者: sammy1112    时间: 2009-10-2 08:03:42

本帖最后由 sammy1112 于 2009-10-2 09:15 编辑


楼主,给你一个链接 http://www.nzchinese.net.nz/news.asp?p=526465
作者: 彩彩    时间: 2009-10-2 09:04:31

作者: lnbxeric    时间: 2009-10-2 09:04:35

The Property (Relationships) Act 1976 Provides legal rules on how property should be divided when a marriage, civil union, or de facto relationship ends
Relationship property includes:
•        the family home;
•        family chattels, such as household furniture and the family car (it does not include heirlooms or taonga)
•        any property acquired when contemplating the relationship;
•        debts;
•        insurance on the spouses or partners' lives or on the family property;
•        any part of a superannuation scheme or policy attributable to the marriage or relationship;
•        gifts or inheritances which the owning partner allows to become mixed with other relationship property;
•        property owned jointly or in equal shares by the spouses or partners;
•        generally, property acquired by either spouse or partner during the relationship;
•        property such as salary or wages which comes in during the relationship;
•        property acquired by one spouse or partner before the marriage in contemplation of the relationship and intended for the common use or benefit of both spouses or partners;
•        property which both spouses or partners agree is relationship property;
•        increases in the value of relationship property, income from it, or the proceeds from sale of it.
All or some of a spouse or partner's separate property may become relationship property if:
•        that spouse or partner puts the separate property into relationship property, for example by using separate property to buy or upgrade relationship property;
•        the other spouse or partner's actions have helped to increase the value or income from the separate property;
•        relationship property has been used to bring about growth in or income from the separate property;
•        the separate property was obtained while the spouses or partners were living apart and the Court thinks it is fair to treat it as relationship property.
Under the Act, if the relationship has lasted more than three years, all relationship property will be divided equally unless the Court considers there are extraordinary circumstances that will make equal sharing repugnant to justice.

In most cases, the Act only covers de facto couples who have lived together in a de facto relationship for at least three years.
作者: marknz    时间: 2009-10-2 09:26:11

男人有权得一半,不管贡献不贡献,  这就是法律, 小姑娘就当是倒贴小白脸吧, 这就是法律!
想自己捞得话, 就找有钱男, 找砖石王劳五, 找小白脸, 花钱是难免得了. ....
作者: AMICUS_LAW    时间: 2009-10-2 10:39:42

Property Relationship Act 并不是绝对的.
Equal Division 的理念是基本决策的因素, 但是最后财产是否均分还要考虑很多其他的因素. 例如少于三年relationship of a short duration 就是一个因素.

其中包括exceptional circumstances 和双方的贡献考量, 甚至可以考虑maitenance, loss of income等因素, 包括法官的因素在内, 所以我不认为你的朋友一定会失去一半的财物.
作者: sammy1112    时间: 2009-10-2 10:59:04

Property Relationship Act 并不是绝对的.
Equal Division 的理念是基本决策的因素, 但是最后财产是否均分还要考虑很多其他的因素. 例如少于三年relationship of a short duration 就是一个因素.

其中包括exce ...
AMICUS_LAW 发表于 2009-10-2 11:39

作者: kotolove    时间: 2009-10-2 15:11:07

作者: sammy1112    时间: 2009-10-2 15:14:59

kotolove 发表于 2009-10-2 16:11

作者: 跆拳道俊少    时间: 2009-10-2 15:22:16

9# kotolove 高招。。。。。。。
作者: 假装多好    时间: 2009-10-2 18:53:14

作者: 人间五十年    时间: 2009-10-2 19:15:06

9# kotolove

作者: Anthony_yu    时间: 2009-10-2 19:27:45

作者: tvjh    时间: 2009-10-3 02:15:47



作者: felicia8585    时间: 2009-10-3 10:58:43


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