
标题: 有一个关于holiday Pay的问题,有没有做会计的问一下 [打印本页]

作者: xingxing555    时间: 2009-9-24 22:25:00     标题: 有一个关于holiday Pay的问题,有没有做会计的问一下

情况是这样的,我一直是做FULL TIME(5天40个小时).但从8月开始由于要读书,开始做四天(32个小时).我们公司是按小时算的. 在7月最后一个星期收到的PAY SLIP是94个小时,但8月却变成了81小时.老板说是因为我现在少做一天了,所以HOLIDAY PAY就少了?我老板自己也不知道为什么,他说会计这样说的.我不是很明白,我是从8月开始做4天的,为什么要减我以前的HOLIDAY?我查了一下所有的PAY SLIP. 在40个小时的时候大概是一个星期是3.07小时的HOLIDAY. 现在32个小时的是2.46小时一个星期.这个我可以明白因为我做的时间少了,但我不明白为什么要扣我以前的?希望有哪为朋友可以给我解释一下.谢谢了!

[ 本帖最后由 xingxing555 于 2009-9-24 21:47 编辑 ]
作者: 无过    时间: 2009-9-25 12:43:25

减少以前的肯定不对,holiday pay是你gross income的8%,而且是累计性质的,所以属于你的就不可一世减少,除非你人为休了一部分
作者: sushuo    时间: 2009-9-25 13:19:20

lsd说的对,之前累积的annual leave不应该扣的,除非你自己休掉了才会减少。难道你会计把你现在少干的一天当做你休年假扣了?那你也应该多拿钱的吧?建议你直接问你们的会计。
作者: sammy1112    时间: 2009-9-25 14:25:56

Holiday pay for a full year’s entitlement is calculated in 3 simple steps.
Step 1
Your employer works out the weekly average of your total gross earnings by dividing your “total gross earnings” for the whole of the year of employment by 52. This gives your “average weekly earnings. (Note: “total gross earnings” means all salary, wages, overtime pay, allowances, commission, and any previous holiday pay paid.)

Step 2
Your employer then works out what your ordinary weekly pay is by multiplying your ordinary hourly rate of pay by the number of hours you normally work each week. This gives your “ordinary weekly pay”.

Step 3
Whichever of these amounts is the LARGER becomes the rate of your weekly holiday pay.

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Here’s an example
Step 1
Say total gross earnings for the year October 2002 to October 2003 are $32,000. Divide this by 52 to get the average weekly earnings of $615.38

Step 2
But, the ordinary weekly pay is $625.00

Step 3
The larger of these is ordinary weekly pay.

So, holiday pay for EACH week of the holiday is $625.00.

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Holiday pay at the end of employment
All holiday pay due to an employee (i.e. total entitlement less any holiday pay already received) should be paid to the employee at the time the employee leaves the job.

Employees who work for less than three weeks are entitled to holiday pay of 6% of their total ordinary pay.

Employees who work more than 3 weeks but less than one year are entitled to 6% of their total gross earnings for the period worked.

Employees who work more than a year are entitled to:

•holiday pay for the completed year; plus
•6% of total gross earnings for the remaining part year.
作者: xingxing555    时间: 2009-9-25 18:11:26

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2009-9-25 18:18:35

没弄懂你说的91 和84 是什么意思? 是你的holiday pay balance?


作者: 静止的风    时间: 2009-9-25 18:48:46

他把你现在每周工作小时输到MYOB PAYROLL里,系统自动算你的HP. 没法熟两个!!! (你以前40小时,和现在32). 你让他做两个时间段的HP ,一个到你FULL T结束,另一个从PT 开始...

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