The Immigration Officer asked me the following questions:
Does J do the GST and PAYE?
Does J do the stock ordering and stock management?
是的,他自己負責店裏的stock ordering and stock management
Does J do the management of staff including discipline and termination of staff?
Did J work for you in the Symonds St store - he gave me dates that he believed J had begun and ended in Symonds St and he asked if he worked part time or full time.
是的,有的時候是part time 但是在暑假的時候是做 full time。(这个解释一下,老板06年的时候在CITY有一家店,我就在那里打工,从那里的staff开
始做起,升到DUTY MANAGER,后来老板卖了店,我就到了另外一家店做full time的Assistant Manager,然后老板又买了一家新的店,请我去帮他做Store Manager,
It was about a five minute conversation (maximum) and those were the only questions he asked.