原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-10 07:20 发表
what does 主流 mean? i won't call myself 高手, but i have about 10 years IT experience in NZ, working for Telecom NZ, as an architect
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-10 14:48 发表
IT is a never ending learning journey. I know enough to be able tohandle my day job, but in comparison there are always people that havebeen in IT longer than me and also there are always people t ...
原帖由 blacksheep 于 2009-9-10 15:18 发表
point taken, how long have you been with telecom? and you have always being a security guy?
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-10 16:59 发表
Been working in Telecom for about 7 years. I started off as a Microsoft desktop support person for my first IT job. Only started dealing with security since i joined Telecom.
原帖由 (-)(-) 于 2009-9-10 21:19 发表
What is a good starting point to learn security stuff? e.g. what kind of books, websites, training or jobs to start with.
原帖由 (-)(-) 于 2009-9-10 21:19 发表
What is a good starting point to learn security stuff? e.g. what kind of books, websites, training or jobs to start with.
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-10 23:27 发表
hi 雁阵惊寒 , if i am not wrong i think someone mentioned that you actually play dota? is that true? i can't remember whether they mentioned your name or someone else's name.
原帖由 雁阵惊寒 于 2009-9-10 23:31 发表
原帖由 variable 于 2009-9-10 21:35 发表
I have a book call “Crytography and Network Security, principles and practices" it is very good.
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-10 23:24 发表
kind of depends on which part of security interest you the most... and also your intention of learning.. most security jobs on the market are firewall related, so if you are doing it to try to increase your marketability, go and do some firewall certification (checkpoint CCSA or Cisco ASA is a good start). If you are wanting to learn security just for interest sake, then may be start pick up a security book from amazon and go from there... what's your background? if you are coming from programming background you should get into hacking/pen testing... that's the fun part. :)
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-10 23:37 发表
someone mentioned that you do play dota and told me may be we should get you to join us sometime. (we play among ourselves through the internet weekly). where about do you play usually? (cyber caf ...
原帖由 好事之徒 于 2009-9-11 07:09 发表
我在117wik 的“反面”
我是做development 的architect (专攻SOA, integration, middleware方面),we make trouble for infrastructure guys like 117wik :)
不知道怎么才算主流 反正我从来不跟同事凑热闹聊rugb ...
原帖由 雁阵惊寒 于 2009-9-11 00:38 发表
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-11 08:04 发表
same... i almost never hang out with any colleague outside of work, probably been to pub once in the last 10 years with colleague before.. and never been to rugby etc with them either (they did as ...
原帖由 duncan_kai 于 2009-9-11 16:02 发表
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-11 16:22 发表
i haven't seen any job in NZ that actually pay more than 12万 yet (unless it's a mid tier management role). I am now part of telecom (used to be in a team that's part of gen-i). Let me know if the ...
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-11 16:22 发表
i haven't seen any job in NZ that actually pay more than 12万 yet (unless it's a mid tier management role). I am now part of telecom (used to be in a team that's part of gen-i). Let me know if the ...
原帖由 leiz 于 2009-9-12 10:43 发表
guess you don't know the market good enough. I have seen developers get paid more than 120K a year. Development managers get more than 200K a year. So don't be surprised if someone offers you that ...
原帖由 duncan_kai 于 2009-9-12 11:59 发表
如果真是这样的话,看来telecom NZ这样的公司确实给的不是很高,做一个安全方面的架构师拿不到15万的话..........................................
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-12 17:15 发表
may be it's because i am not good enough. :)
may be i should consider changing job to become a software developer... u guys make it sounds like every developer is earning 120k-150k easily.
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-12 17:15 发表
may be it's because i am not good enough. :)
may be i should consider changing job to become a software developer... u guys make it sounds like every developer is earning 120k-150k easily.
原帖由 好事之徒 于 2009-9-13 20:31 发表
这个领域涉及的东西算挺多的 从广义来说 anything between front-end business application and back-end database is middleware, .NET 和 JavaEE 都是 middleware framework, 但算是比较low level, 一般不会从这 ...
原帖由 milan24 于 2009-9-13 21:42 发表
hi 117wik, within telecom, whats the salary range telecom offering for a sys admin, who graduate from uni and have three years work experience.
原帖由 variable 于 2009-9-14 07:56 发表
我们之前就是用Oracle SOA Suite,作为Oracle的pilot project, 但是缺乏support,后来就不了了之。
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-14 18:29 发表
what a coincidence, when did you graduate? I did E&E from Auckland uni too. :)
原帖由 variable 于 2009-9-15 07:36 发表
嗯,但是我们当时用SOA Suite来做比较重要的东西,后来出了一个bug,每天澳洲那边都给我们打电话support要把bug fix好,后来有连出了几个hotfix,但是都是不行,apply patch后某些deployed BPEL就会不见了。。。而 ...
原帖由 variable 于 2009-9-15 19:37 发表
我们也有进metalink,那里都是正规的documentation, 我们需要的是实际工作中遇到问题的讨论,当时肯能不是很popular上去oracle forum也很少有跟我们相关的问题和处境。
原帖由 好事之徒 于 2009-9-15 21:28 发表
嗯 其实metalink 里除了正规文档还有很多knowledge base 不过关键是他们的搜索功能太差 从metalink 升级到metalink2 到metalink3 都没解决 现在新的myoraclesupport.com 似乎好了很多 基本能找到相关的资料 尤其是 ...
原帖由 variable 于 2009-9-16 08:00 发表
如果是Biztalk就不同一回事了,首先在development stage你遇到的问题90%你都可以在网上查到,就算是要找microsoft也不是有大问题,之前请了一个consultant展示biztalk给我们看,然后出了一个bug, sleeping instanc ...
原帖由 variable 于 2009-9-16 19:31 发表
No, at that time we couldn't find anyone in NZ that is familiar with Oracle SOA, except a guy from HP, he helped us on that project and later on got hired by Oracle.
原帖由 好事之徒 于 2009-9-16 19:34 发表
Biztalk 的确是要比soa suite 10g 还成熟
development 的环境也肯定是visual studio 比shitty jDeveloper 还好不知道几倍
但很多时候 technical merits 并不是最大的决定因素 有时候我也真弄不明白一些CIO/CTO 之 ...
原帖由 117wik 于 2009-9-10 16:59 发表
Been working in Telecom for about 7 years. I started off as a Microsoft desktop support person for my first IT job. Only started dealing with security since i joined Telecom.
原帖由 hsac 于 2009-9-17 23:06 发表
Nobody here talks about SAP Netweaver development. Say if you have mid-level java development experence and good communication skills, willing to learn.... you can jump to "SAP Netweaver developm ...
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